What are the key questions?

Setting the scene for a sustainable development agenda powered by Data Revolution in Africa

Among others, Africa needs to respond to a number of key questions:

1. What areas in Africa have the most critical lack of data and what needs to be done about it?
2. How has the data ecosystem changed and where is it heading to?
3. What role will “African” data play in the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs?
4. What lessons can be learned from existing data innovations in Africa?
5. How can the IEAG recommendations be implemented at the national level?
6. What other data revolution principles and concrete actions should Africa adopt?
7. How do we balance the need for international comparable data for monitoring development goals with producing data that can make a change at the local level?
8. What needs to happen to ensure that countries with weak capacity will benefit from the data revolution?
9. How can we move from ideas to real action while ensuring that the “leave no one behind” principle also extends to leaving no country behind?
10. How can we harmonize national statistical data (cf SHaSA) across the continent and balance it with data generated by non-s by non-state acrs?
11. How do we reinforce the “data capacity” of African development actors, stakeholders, and communities.
12. How can the African Union 2063 agenda be powered by data?