Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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2 April 2016
Dr. Carlos Lopes shares his thoughts on the African Development Week 2016
31 March 2016
Migration, climate change and what's been called "green" industrialization are just some of the issues topping the agenda when African economic and finance ministers gather in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, beginning this Thursday.
31 March 2016
Migration, climate change and what's being called "green" industrialization, are just some of the issues topping the agenda as African economic and finance ministers gathered in Ethiopia this week.
31 March 2016
ECA Chief, Carlos Lopes, on Greening Africa's Industrialisation
30 March 2016
As atividades agendadas para a Semana de Desenvolvimento de África são o tema de fundo da conversa da Rádio ONU com o secretário executivo da Comissão Económica das Nações Unidas para África, ECA, Carlos Lopes.
5 February 2016
Africa must insure that it achieves growth that translates into job creation, these are the words of Carlos Lopes Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, at the UN to the SABC during the sideline of the AU summit in Addis Ababa last week. He also said Africa needs skills to embark on its project to industrialize. Lopes spoke to our foreign editor Sophie Mokeona.
28 January 2016
Statement by Mr. Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the ECA on the Occasion of the 28th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union
10 December 2015
Les Nations Unies appuient l’Afrique pour lutter spécifiquement contre les effets du changement climatiques. L’ONU a mis en place une Commission Economique pour l’Afrique qui vise à aider le continent à fortifier son économie. Carlos Lopes est le Secrétaire Exécutif de cette Commission, et Secrétaire Général adjoint de l'ONU. Il répond aux questions de Mouhamadou Touré.
10 December 2015
Dr Carlos Lopes, Shares his messages for COP21
8 December 2015
There's an opportunity for Africa to "open new avenues" at the COP21 climate change conference. That's according to Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa, who's in Paris hoping that the continent can help strike a historic deal for the world to limit carbon emissions.
4 December 2015
4 December 2015
L'économiste bissau-guinéen Carlos Lopes, secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l'Afrique souligne l'importance pour l'Afrique d'exposer en profondeur ses réalités économiques. Pour lui, le Sommet mondial sur l'investissement en Afrique est une plateforme idéale pour le faire et il en faut encore plus.
22 November 2015
But what is the financial cost to the African continent of the activities of groups like Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al Shebab in Somalia, and the drugs trade? To answer these questions RFI's Philip Turle spoke to the U.N. Economic Commissioner for Africa, Carlos Lopes.
13 November 2015
Speech of Dr. Carlos Lopes (Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa) at The African Media Leaders Forum (AMLF) 2015_Day1
10 November 2015
M. Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary (UNECA), at the Ai CEO Investment Summit 2015
6 November 2015
2 November 2015
Conférence économique africaine 2015 : Lutter contre la pauvreté et les inégalités pour atteindre les Objectifs de développement durable.
2 November 2015
Les travaux de la 10e édition de la Conférence économique internationale s'ouvrent lundi 2 novembre à Kinshasa. Durant quatre jours, 400 experts dont 150 venant d’Afrique vont réfléchir autour du thème central «La pauvreté et les inégalités». Leurs réflexions porteront spécifiquement sur l’agenda économique du continent, a expliqué le secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’...
15 October 2015
The effect of plunging commodity prices forced the International Monetary Fund to cut its global growth forecasts for the second time this year, but how will this impact Africa's growth trajectory going forward? CNBC Africa's Godfrey Mutizwa discusses Africa's growth story with Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
