Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

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2 November 2014
The United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of Economic Commission for Africa, Carlos Lopes on Saturday said innovation and technology-oriented education will give African youths critical building blocks to secure their future.
2 November 2014
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Several innovations reported in recent years from across Africa bode well for the continent striving to get skills that meet its industry requirements in the 21st century, economic and labour experts meeting in Addis Ababa said on Saturday.
2 November 2014
Addis-Abeba, le 30 octobre 2014 (CEA) – Lors d'une visite officielle en Guinée-Bissau, les 17 et 18 octobre, Carlos Lopes, Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique annonce que la Guinée-Bissau devrait profiter de la stabilité et l'unanimité de la période postélectorale, qui peut maintenant voir les opportunités et possibilités économiques se concrétiser.
1 November 2014
Nearly six months after the first reported case of Ebola was diagnosed in West Africa, the outbreak continues to dominate daily news headlines globally.
31 October 2014
Carlos Lopes says China is an important partner that can facilitate Africa's transformation. Liu Zhen / China Daily
31 October 2014
Trade between Africa and Ireland to reach €24 billion by 2020 – Minister for Development, Trade Promotion and North South Cooperation, Seán Sherlock
30 October 2014
L’Observateur du Maroc : Ne regrettez-vous pas d’avoir délocalisé, pour la première fois, le Forum pour le développement de l’Afrique ?
30 October 2014
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Economic Commission for Africa Carlos Lopes have hailed the opening of a new office in the ECA compound in Addis Ababa as a milestone for the organization and for its already close relationship with Ethiopia and with people across Africa. Held on Tuesday, the inauguration of the new building is in line with the United Nations common house...
30 October 2014
Minister for Development and Trade Promotion Seán Sherlock said exports from Ireland have increased by approximately 25 per cent in recent years.
30 October 2014
It is a pleasure to join you here this morning for the Africa Ireland Economic Forum. The very high levels of interest shown in this event, both in Ireland and in African countries, are indicative of a very bright future for African-Irish economic relations.
30 October 2014
We are meeting here at a time when our sisters and brothers in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are facing grave challenges, as they fight and battle the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), which over the last few months so abruptly halted their path towards development and reconstruction.
30 October 2014
L’Observateur du Maroc : Ne regrettez-vous pas d’avoir délocalisé, pour la première fois, le Forum pour le développement de l’Afrique ?
29 October 2014
Held annually since 2011, the Africa Ireland Economic Forum (AIEF) is co-hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School and the African Diplomatic Corps in Ireland. The AIEF provides a key networking opportunity for Irish business and African delegates to identify areas for mutually beneficial trade and investment.
29 October 2014
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Economic Commission for Africa’s Carlos Lopes have hailed the opening of a new office in the ECA compound in Addis Ababa as a milestone for the organization and for its already close relationship with Ethiopia and with people across Africa.
29 October 2014
[Africa Diligence] Le 10 octobre 2014, Carlos Lopes a obtenu le Lifetime Africa Achievement Prize pour ses actions en faveur de la relance économique. C’est la 2ème fois que le Secrétaire exécutif de la CEA est distingué pour sa contribution à l’effort de guerre économique en Afrique. Dans cet entretien, il décrypte les victoires et challenges de la croissance africaine.
29 October 2014
Leaders of three pan-African economic institutions concluded a solidarity tour of the five West African countries most concerned about stopping the spread of the deadly Ebola virus which is currently ravaging three of them.
29 October 2014
[Africa Diligence] Le 10 octobre 2014, Carlos Lopes a obtenu le Lifetime Africa Achievement Prize pour ses actions en faveur de la relance économique. C’est la 2ème fois que le Secrétaire exécutif de la CEA est distingué pour sa contribution à l’effort de guerre économique en Afrique. Dans cet entretien, il décrypte les victoires et challenges de la croissance africaine.
29 October 2014
Carlos Lopes, el Secretario Ejecutivo para África de la ONU, volvió a reconocer y recordar la importancia geoestratégica de las islas, planteamiento que desde la APLP y desde la Fundación Puertos de Palmas se mantiene firmemente.
28 October 2014
Toujours optimiste au sujet des principaux dossiers concernant le développement de l'Afrique (croissance, intégration régionale, leadership économique et politique) Carlos Lopes, le secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA), n'en reste pas moins incisif dans son diagnostic des difficultés et des faiblesses du continent. Il a répondu aux questions de...
28 October 2014
Addis Ababa 28 October 2014( new office facility, that makes ECA the third largest UN duty station after New York and Geneva in terms of building portfolio, inaugurated today at the ECA compound in Addis Ababa.
