Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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3 November 2014
ADDIS ABABA, Nov. 2 (Xinhua) -- A report on Sunday underlined the need to boosting crisis response and financing for Africa's continued progress.
3 November 2014
Selon le Bissau-Guinéen, le continent devrait résister à la baisse des cours. Notamment en définissant de nouvelles stratégies à court et moyen terme.
3 November 2014
Carlos Lopes : Les matières premières ne sont plus le principal moteur de la croissance africaine
3 November 2014
Selon le Bissau-Guinéen, le continent devrait résister à la baisse des cours. Notamment en définissant de nouvelles stratégies à court et moyen terme.
3 November 2014
Selon le Bissau-Guinéen, le continent devrait résister à la baisse des cours. Notamment en définissant de nouvelles stratégies à court et moyen terme
3 November 2014
Selon le Bissau-Guinéen, le continent devrait résister à la baisse des cours. Notamment en définissant de nouvelles stratégies à court et moyen terme.
3 November 2014
1. Ninth African Economic Conference Knowledge and innovation for Africa’s transformation Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1-3 November 2014 Opening statement by Carlos Lopes United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of Economic Commission for Africa United Nations Conference Centre, Addis Ababa 1 November 2014
3 November 2014
Innovation and technology can serve as a springboard for economic transformation provided they are driven by people. This was the message put forward by partners and participants at the closing of the 9th Annual African Economic Conference (AEC), which ran from November 1-3 in Addis Ababa.
3 November 2014
Réunis à Addis-Abeba pour la CEA 2014, experts, dirigeants et décideurs soulignent la nécessité de miser sur le savoir et l’innovation pour assurer une croissance durable et inclusive.
3 November 2014
Newly released data shows the US stopped all oil imports from Nigeria - once its fifth largest supplier and Africa’s largest producer - entirely in July.
3 November 2014
Knowledge and innovation are pivotal in Africa’s quest for sustained and inclusive economic growth and should therefore be encouraged based on both targeted government policies and private sector participation. This was the conclusion from the 9th Annual African Economic Conference held from November 1-3 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
3 November 2014
Les exemples abondent en Afrique, illustrant comment le savoir contribue à changer le cours de l’Histoire, déclare Carlos Lopes à l’ouverture de la 9ème conférence économique africaine. Voici la synthèse de son discours.
2 November 2014
Les exemples abondent en Afrique, illustrant comment le savoir contribue à changer le cours de l’Histoire, déclare Carlos Lopes à l’ouverture de la 9ème conférence économique africaine. Voici la synthèse de son discours
2 November 2014
Decision-makers and business leaders, economists and academics from across the globe meet here today for the annual African Economic Conference (AEC). The meeting will last until 3 November and allow them to discuss how to harness knowledge and innovation for the continent’s economic transformation.
2 November 2014
The United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of Economic Commission for Africa, Carlos Lopes on Saturday said innovation and technology-oriented education will give African youths critical building blocks to secure their future. Speaking at the opening of the 9th African Economic Conference in Addis Ababa
2 November 2014
ADDIS ABABA - Africa should focus on science and technology in its endeavor to ensure fast and sustainable economic growth, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) stated.
2 November 2014
A report released in Addis Ababa on Saturday during the African Economic Conference notes that Africa’s poverty rates have continued to decline, despite the adverse effects of the recent food, fuel, and global economic crisis.
2 November 2014
The United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of Economic Commission for Africa, Carlos Lopes on Saturday said innovation and technology-oriented education will give African youths critical building blocks to secure their future.
2 November 2014
(Seychelles News Agency) - Africa must take advantage of the knowledge based economy if it is to leapfrog the quest for economic transformation of the continent. This is one of the key message at the opening of the 2014 African Economic Conference on Saturday November 1, in Addis Ababa.
2 November 2014
Le niveau de vie s’est amelioré pour un nombre croissant d’Africains, malgré les effets négatifs de la crise économique mondiale, d’après le rapport publié samedi à l’occasion de l’ouverture de la neuvième Conférence économique pour l’Afrique, à Addis Abeba, en Ethiopie.
