Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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24 November 2014
THREE African presidents and a Foreign minister were among the record number of world leaders and dignitaries who attended the final Formula 1 in Abu Dhabi, and saw British driver Lewis Hamilton win both the race and the 2014 championship.
21 November 2014
L'Afrique doit définir un cadre qui tienne plus compte de la transformation dans le but de provoquer le changement rapide souhaité dans la vie des femmes et filles; une attention particulière sur l'investissement dans l'éducation des femmes, santé, droits de propriété, accès et contrôle des ressources financières, connaissances et information est requise.
21 November 2014
GL will kick off its campaign with breakfast meetings in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana to profile the achievements of over 1000 survivors of gender violence who have received entrepreneurship training and are "Taking Charge" of their lives. These meetings will bring together high profile representatives of government, civil society and the business community.
21 November 2014
Today, I celebrate my heroines and heroes, the unsung mortals of our generation, the ordinary women and men who took it upon themselves to fight a threat of our life time – the Ebola Virus. They will always shine in their hearts and communities without demanding the spotlight and ‘cameras’ as yard-sticks of success or the ‘Noble Prizes’ of this world. These women and men have grasped the threat...
20 November 2014
Bissau (ANG, 20 de Outubro de 2014) – “A África tem vento favorável, neste momento, que deve ser transformado num crescimento de qualidade”, afirmou este fim-de-semana, em Bissau, o Secretário Executivo da Comissão Económica para África, Carlos Lopes .
19 November 2014
Addis Ababa, 19 November 2014 (ECA) - African ministers responsible for gender and women’s affairs, attending the 9th African Regional Conference on Women for the twenty-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 19 November 2014 adopted a Declaration calling for their respective governments to achieve gender equality by...
19 November 2014
The decision by Eveready East Africa, a subsidiary of the American-based battery maker, to close down its factory in Nakuru in October was greeted with shock by Kenyans who regard the battery maker as a household brand.
18 November 2014
While the Ebola outbreaks in both Nigeria and Senegal officially ended in October 2014, a new United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) report says there have been 13,241 cases identified and 4,950 deaths reported in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone so far. `
17 November 2014
Findings of UNECA report on Ebola discussed on Al Jazeera's Counting The Cost
16 November 2014
On tonight’s episode of Counting The Cost, Al Jazeera’s Kamahl Santamaria discusses the findings of the new United Nations Economic Commission for Africa report on Ebola with UNECA executive secretary Dr. Carlos Lopes.
14 November 2014
As well as identifying countries holding enormous industrialisation potential, Carlos Lopes, executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, elaborates on the right policies for industrialisation and the role the private and public sectors can play, as addressed by the 2014 Economic Report on Africa.
14 November 2014
Economic experts meeting at the 9th Annual African Economic Conference in Addis Ababa have urged African governments to enhance the image of universities by providing high quality infrastructure and facilities that would enable creative and innovative research.
14 November 2014
As well as identifying countries holding enormous industrialisation potential, Carlos Lopes, executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, elaborates on the right policies for industrialisation and the role the private and public sectors can play, as addressed by the 2014 Economic Report on Africa.
14 November 2014
Small-holder farmers hold key to Africa's food security, but are often excluded from debates on agricultural investments.
14 November 2014
On tonights episode of Counting The Cost, Al Jazeeras Kamahl Santamaria discusses the findings of the new United Nations Economic Commission for Africa report on Ebola with UNECA executive secretary Dr. Carlos Lopes.
14 November 2014
On tonight’s episode of Counting The Cost, Al Jazeera’s Kamahl Santamaria discusses the findings of the new United Nations Economic Commission for Africa report on Ebola with UNECA executive secretary Dr. Carlos Lopes.
13 November 2014
As well as identifying countries holding enormous industrialisation potential, Carlos Lopes, executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, elaborates on the right policies for industrialisation and the role the private and public sectors can play, as addressed by the 2014 Economic Report on Africa.
13 November 2014
SMALL-HOLD producers, who are most directly dependent on ecosystem services, are critical agents for the future of agriculture in Africa.
13 November 2014
As well as identifying countries holding enormous industrialisation potential, Carlos Lopes, executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, elaborates on the right policies for industrialisation and the role the private and public sectors can play, as addressed by the 2014 Economic Report on Africa. Give us a snapshot of the current state of the African economy.
13 November 2014
As well as identifying countries holding enormous industrialisation potential, Carlos Lopes, executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, elaborates on the right policies for industrialisation and the role the private and public sectors can play, as addressed by the 2014 Economic Report on Africa.
