Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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12 March 2016
The forum organized by the AU and COMESA brought together chief executives and senior officials from allRECs, the African Development Bank, the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) New Partnership for Africa Development (NEPAD) and the Africa Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) among others.
12 March 2016
Recent events in the international economy have made it more urgent than ever before for Africa to transform its economy. This was the sobering message from K.Y. Amoako, the president of the African Center for Economic Transformation when addressing delegates during the inaugural African Transformation Forum (ATF) which opened today in Kigali.
11 March 2016
Kigali, 10th March 2016 – On Monday 14th March, Rwanda will host the inaugural African Transformation Forum (ATF). The Forum is jointly organized by the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET), one of Africa’s leading think tanks, and the Government of Rwanda.
10 March 2016
Starting from Monday, Rwanda will host the inaugural African Transformation Forum (ATF), jointly organized by the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET), one of Africa’s leading think tanks, and the government.
10 March 2016
Regional Economic Communities (RECs) from the African continent led by the African Union and other strategic continental institutions have concluded talks on the 10 year implementation plan for the Agenda 2063.
10 March 2016
The Africa Training Institute (ATI), the IMF, and the Banque de France jointly organized a high-level seminar at the ATI in Mauritius on March 8–9, 2016. Over 30 high-level policymakers from across sub-Saharan Africa and academics from Africa, America, and Europe gathered to discuss the future of currency areas, with a focus on conditions under which they remain an appropriate mechanism for...
10 March 2016
L'IBFI a organisé avec le Centre de formation pour l'Afrique du FMI, un séminaire de haut niveau sur "l'avenir de la l'intégration monétaire en Afrique" s'adressant à une quarantaine de Ministres et de Gouverneurs, de hauts fonctionnaires et de cadres de banques centrales des pays d'Afrique sub-saharienne. Ouvert par Carla Grasso, DGA du FMI, ce séminaire...
10 March 2016
L’avenir de l’Afrique repose sur plusieurs éléments essentiels, dont une croissance inclusive, le développement durable, la réduction des inégalités et le développement humain.
9 March 2016
É também nesta base dicotómica que cresce a história cruzada da Guiné Bissau e Cabo Verde. Que chega a ser demasiado confusa e demasiado próxima para agora não haver nada em comum, para além das famílias e dos cruzamentos da vida.
9 March 2016
It is important to give some context with regards to Africa's past indebtedness," writes Carlos Lopes in a new essay titled, "They Don't Believe in the Future!" - a response to the buzz about another looming debt crisis in Africa. In the essay, the UN Economic Commission for Africa's Executive Secretary explains that "contrary to common perception, Africa's...
9 March 2016
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa's (UNECA) Executive Secretary Carlos Lopes makes the case that the time for discussing frameworks and strategies centered on Africa's need for real structural transformation has passed. Faced with a combination of renewed conflict, drop in commodities demand and prices, including oil, high currency volatility, rising interest rates, choking...
9 March 2016
Executive Secretary, UN Economic Commission for Africa. I am passionate about Africa's transformation. Retweet does not equal endorsement.
8 March 2016
Le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA), Carlos Lopes, déclare aujourd’hui que la Commission continuera d’œuvrer pour la promotion des femmes africaines à travers divers programmes visant spécifiquement à promouvoir l’égalité hommes-femmes, les droits des femmes et l’autonomisation de celles-ci.
8 March 2016
Le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA), Carlos Lopes, déclare ce 08 mars à Addis-Abeba que la Commission continuera d’œuvrer pour la promotion des femmes africaines à travers divers programmes visant spécifiquement à promouvoir l’égalité hommes-femmes, les droits des femmes et l’autonomisation de celles-ci.
7 March 2016
Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Keynote speech
6 March 2016
Yes, this is a weekly series. Barclays Bank dominates this week’s missive. Oh, what is 16 plus 6? Don’t tell us yet. Hold that till the end.
5 March 2016
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)'s Executive Secretary of Carlos Lopes said that although Africa has experienced unprecedented growth over the past decade, the continent remains home to the world's highest proportion of poor people.
4 March 2016
How can individual Member States and intergovernmental bodies help revitalize Chapter VIII of the UN Charter to strengthen strategic partnerships with regional organizations?
4 March 2016
Sudan's economy would streak past Angola, while Tanzania would also just pip Kenya as East Africa’s largest economy
3 March 2016
Alors que la question de la soutenabilité de la dette revient au goût du jour, Carlos Lopes, secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique, publie une analyse passionnée et originale sur les antécédents et la viabilité de l'endettement des États africains.
