Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

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11 February 2014
Le taux de croissance de la population africaine pourrait provoquer une sérieuse concurrence dans la quête des ressources telles que l’énergie, l’eau et la nourriture et même nuire à ses efforts de développement. Et cela si les décideurs politiques et les scientifiques n’accordent pas l’attention voulue aux changements climatiques.
11 February 2014
[ECA]UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Carlos Lopes, embarks on his first working visit to Cameroon on 11 February 2014. During the three-day visit, Mr lopes will meet with the country's top Government officials, heads of international organisations and the press to discuss Africa's challenges, opportunities and priorities as...
11 February 2014
UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Carlos Lopes, embarks on his first working visit to Cameroon on 11 February 2014. During the three-day visit, Mr lopes will meet with the country's top Government officials, heads of international organisations and the press to discuss Africa's challenges, opportunities and priorities as well...
11 February 2014
Addis Ababa, 11 February 2014 (ECA) - The Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa, Mr. Carlos Lopes traveled to Delhi from 6-8 February to participate in the 2014 Delhi Sustainable Development Summit organized under the auspices of the Energy and Resources Institute. While in Delhi, Mr. Lopes met with a variety of representatives from the Indian Government, as well as...
10 February 2014
New Delhi, India 7 January 2014 (ECA) - The United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has warned that Africa’s population growth rates could trigger serious competition resources such as energy, water and food and even undermine its development efforts if policy makers and scientists do not pay due attention to climate change.
10 February 2014
iGFM - (Dakar) Le Sous-Secrétaire général des Nations Unies et Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) a mis en garde que les taux de croissance de la population africaine pourrait provoquer une sérieuse concurrence dans la quête des ressources telles que l'énergie, l'eau et la nourriture et même nuire à ses efforts de développement si les décideurs...
10 February 2014
Le Sous-Secrétaire général des Nations Unies et Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) a mis en garde que les taux de croissance de la population africaine pourrait provoquer une sérieuse concurrence dans la quête des ressources telles que l’énergie, l’eau et la nourriture et même nuire à ses efforts de développement si les décideurs politiques et les scientifiques n...
10 February 2014
Addressing the 2014 Delhi Sustainable Development Summit in Taj Palace, India, Mr. Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), called for deliberate action on green industrialization to tackle the continent’s energy, water and food security challenges which the negative impacts of climate change have accentuated.
10 February 2014
Le Sous-Secrétaire général des Nations Unies et Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) a mis en garde que les taux de croissance de la population africaine pourrait provoquer une sérieuse concurrence dans la quête des ressources telles que l'énergie, l'eau et la nourriture et même nuire à ses efforts de développement si les décideurs politiques et les...
8 February 2014
8 February 2014: Participants highlighted growing demand for energy, water and food, and recommended actions at the 14th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS). This year's summit took place on 6-8 February 2014, in New Delhi, India, under the theme 'Attaining Energy, Water, Food Security for All.'
8 February 2014
New Delhi: The United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has warned that Africa's population growth rates could trigger serious competition resources such as energy, water and food and even undermine its development efforts if policy makers and scientists do not pay due attention to climate change. Addressing the 2014 Delhi...
7 February 2014
New Delhi, India 7 January 2014 (ECA) - The United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has warned that Africa's population growth rates could trigger serious competition resources such as energy, water and food and even undermine its development efforts if policy makers and scientists do not pay due attention to climate change.
5 February 2014
Yaounde — "Africa's story told to the rest of the world is one of risks and conflict but a lot of people don't know that at this time conflicts account for 5 million deaths in Africa, but they account for 200 million deaths in Asia," Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, told journalist in Cameroon as he ended his first working visit to that...
4 February 2014
From January 21st to 31st in Addis Ababa, participants of the 22nd African Union Summit commemorated the tenth anniversary of the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP). Agriculture has always played a central role in Africa’s economy, but lately there is a growing interest in the continent’s commodity-export potential given high food prices and shifting climate...
4 February 2014
Com uma enxada ou cutelo, ela cuidará de sua plantação, cortando as ervas daninhas e fortificando as gavinhas da batata e rezará por a chuva, atrasada já há duas semanas. Isso porque sem chuva ela não poderá colher as 2,1 toneladas métricas por hectare de costume, das quais uma parte alimentará sua família e a outra será vendida no mercado local. A maior parte do dinheiro que ela receberá será...
4 February 2014
“La Cámpora sólo lleva a cabo una campaña de difusión sobre los alcances del Progresar. La inscripción a este programa se realiza por medio de las oficinas de la Anses. No tenemos nada que ver con la parte administrativa”, señaló a Télam el diputado nacional Horacio Pietragalla, integrante de esa agrupación kirchnerista.
4 February 2014
Prime Minister Haile- Mariam Dessalegn said NEPAD has undoubtedly transformed the global debate about Africa by putting at front and centre the notion of the need for the continent to forge mutually beneficial partnership with the developed and emerging nations. Addressing the 49th Meeting of NEPAD Steering Committee here yesterday, Prime Minister Haile-Mariam said the journey of the last...
4 February 2014
African countries now finance a significant share of their infrastructure projects with domestic resources, after such resources accounted for 47 percent of the total amount expended on projects in 2012, Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), said here Wednesday. “Contrary to common belief, our countries are increasingly using domestic resources to...
3 February 2014
A União Africana quer que as autoridades da Guiné-Bissau e os partidos políticos façam tudo para que as eleições aconteçam a 16 de Março, conforme previsto. A declaração foi feita hoje por Ovídeo Pequeno, representante da organização em Bissau.
3 February 2014
Nos próximos anos são muitos os desafios para o continente africano, a boa noticia é que África está com uma previsão de crescimento de 6%, ou seja, muito perto de atingir o número mágico dos 7% o que permitiria reduzir a pobreza no espaço de uma geração. O guineense Carlos Lopes, secratário executivo da comissão ecónomica das Nações Unidas para África, à margem da XXII cimeira de chefes de...
