Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

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15 February 2014
Le Secrétaire général-adjoint de l’Organisation des Nations unies (ONU), par ailleurs secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA), Carlos Lopes, effectue actuellement une visite de travail au Cameroun, a appris la PANA de source officielle.
14 February 2014
Carlos Lopes, Head of the U.N.’s Economic Commission for Africa, says sustained growth in Central Africa is important for the region to tackle poverty, but it must transform its overall economic structure.
14 February 2014
[ECA]Yaounde -Cameroon can completely overturn its economic fortunes if it could get out of the grip of fish and energy oil importation, UN Under-Secretary General and ECA Executive Secretary Carlos Lopes has told the country's Prime Minister - Philemon Yang.
14 February 2014
Addis Ababa - United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Deputy Executive Director Ibrahim Thiaw met with top African leaders in Addis Ababa, where he reiterated UNEP's commitment to support the integration of the environmental pillar of sustainable development and the inclusive Green Economy in development planning as the AU prepares to launch the Common African Position on the Post-2015...
14 February 2014
Carlos Lopes, Head of the U.N.’s Economic Commission for Africa, says sustained growth in Central Africa is important for the region to tackle poverty, but it must transform its overall economic structure.
14 February 2014
La Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) de l'ONU prépare un nouvelle indice permettant de mesurer les progrès réalisés par les pays africains en matière d'intégration économique régionale. La première édition de ce classement devrait être effective à la fin de l'année 2014.
13 February 2014
YAOUNDE, CAMEROON — Carlos Lopes, head of the U.N.’s Economic Commission for Africa, says sustained growth in Central Africa is important for the region to tackle poverty, but it must transform its overall economic structure.
13 February 2014
Reproduzimos mais um artigo de Carlos Lopes. publicado em seu blog, em janeiro. Ele ganha especial importância agora, quando o Brasil avança nas suas parcerias com muitos países africanos e consolida o acordo do Instituto Lula com a União Africana e a FAO no combate pela erradicação da fome na África até 2025.
13 February 2014
Yaounde — Carlos Lopes, head of the U.N.'s Economic Commission for Africa, says sustained growth in Central Africa is important for the region to tackle poverty, but it must transform its overall economic structure.
13 February 2014
Pour son premier appel aux autorités camerounaises, le 12 février 2014, dans le cadre de sa première visite officielle en Afrique centrale, Carlos Lopes, Secrétaire exécutif de la CEA, fait remarquer qu’une croissance soutenue est importante, mais la transformation de la structure des économies de l’Afrique centrale est indispensable pour les pays de la sous-région afin de lutter efficacement...
13 February 2014
[ECA]Yaounde -Cameroon can completely overturn its economic fortunes if it could get out of the grip of fish and energy oil importation, UN Under-Secretary General and ECA Executive Secretary Carlos Lopes has told the country's Prime Minister - Philemon Yang.
13 February 2014
Carlos Lopes, head of the U.N.'s Economic Commission for Africa, says sustained growth in Central Africa is important for the region to tackle poverty, but it must transform its overall economic structure.
13 February 2014
YAOUNDE, CAMEROON — Carlos Lopes, head of the U.N.'s Economic Commission for Africa, says sustained growth in Central Africa is important for the region to tackle poverty, but it must transform its overall economic structure.
13 February 2014
Le Sous-Secrétaire général des Nations Unies et Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) a mis en garde que les taux de croissance de la population africaine pourrait provoquer une sérieuse concurrence dans la quête des ressources telles que l'énergie, l'eau et la nourriture et même nuire à ses efforts de développement si les décideurs politiques et les...
12 February 2014
The UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Carlos Lopes says Cameroon must attain a seven per cent economic growth rate for its industrial transformation contained in the 2035 vision document to become a reality.
12 February 2014
Grappling with goals for sustainable development is not only a demanding task but also a big challenge. Sustainable development seeks to achieve social and economic progress in ways that will not exhaust the earth's natural resources. The world's resources are finite, and growth that is unmanaged and un-sustained will lead to deteriorating conditions for all. We owe it to future...
12 February 2014
Douala — Upon arrival in Cameroon on his first working visit to Central Africa, today, UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) - Carlos Lopes, told the press that Central Africa is a sub-region with enormous potential for to help the continent achieve is Agenda 63 project.
12 February 2014
Pour son premier appel aux autorités camerounaises, le 12 février 2014, dans le cadre de sa première visite officielle en Afrique centrale, Carlos Lopes, Secrétaire exécutif de la CEA, fait remarquer qu’une croissance soutenue est importante, mais la transformation de la structure des économies de l’Afrique centrale est indispensable pour les pays de la sous-région afin de lutter efficacement...
11 February 2014
Addis Ababa — Grappling with goals for sustainable development is not only a demanding task but also a big challenge.
11 February 2014
UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Carlos Lopes, embarks on his first working visit to Cameroon on 11 February 2014. During the three-day visit, Mr lopes will meet with the country's top Government officials, heads of international organisations and the press to discuss Africa's challenges, opportunities and priorities as well...
