Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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12 May 2016
The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Africa is currently running in Kigali, Rwanda, where amongst high-level panels on public policy, innovation and climate change, leaders will inevitably address the increasingly challenging global economic environment.
12 May 2016
The three-day World Economic Forum 2016 in Rwanda attracted global business leaders, philanthropists and heads of state along with 1,500 delegates. This will be their first time visiting the country that aspires to be “the Switzerland of Africa.”
11 May 2016
The spectre of high debt is raising its head again in Africa, analysts say, as sub-Saharan nations that borrowed cheaply on global markets are now squeezed by a commodities crash.
11 May 2016
As dull as it sounds from the outside, it was surprisingly interesting. At work lately we’ve been covering tax evasion, the Panama Papers leak, tax havens and how it contributes to poverty.
11 May 2016
Global business leaders, philanthropists and heads of state are in Rwanda for the three-day World Economic Forum 2016, and for some of the 1,500 delegates, it will be their first time visiting the country that aspires to be “the Switzerland of Africa.”
11 May 2016
President Hage Geingob says social deficits still exist despite the progress Namibia has made over the years.
11 May 2016
All eyes on Rwanda. From within the continent to Europe, Asia and further in the Americas, the global focus is on Kigali as the World Economic Forum for Africa opens, today, convening about 1,500 delegates for deliberations on a range of the continent’s economic aspects, including analysing opportunities and risks with a bias for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
10 May 2016
Die Nobelpryswenner prof. Joseph Stiglitzis op besoek aan die land en het pres. Hage Geingob vroeër vandag by Staatshuis ontmoet. Hy is vergesel van dr. Carlos Lopes, uitvoerende sekretaris van die Verenigde Nasies se ekonomiese kommissie vir Afrika, asook die mediakenner Naya Schiffrin.
10 May 2016
Nigeria and other member countries in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) may lose out in the $3.4 trillion combined GDP of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) economy by 2017 when the CFTA becomes operational if regional trade challenges are not addressed.
10 May 2016
The world is still perceiving Africa on its fragilities and thus the continent becoming the image of fragility itself, said ECA's Executive Secretary, Carlos Lopes at a one-day leadership seminar in Windhoek, Namibia.
10 May 2016
Nigeria and other member countries in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) may lose out in the $3.4 trillion combined GDP of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) economy by 2017 when the CFTA becomes operational if regional trade challenges are not addressed.
9 May 2016
Dans l’interview qu’il a accordé à Financial Afrik, Ha-Joon Chang, fait revenir un mot : la confiance. Il faut, répête-t-il, que l’Afrique ait confiance en elle même. L’auteur du best seller « Kicking away the Ladder », « faire glisser l’échelle, en allusion à l’attitude des pays développés, qui une fois au sommet du développement sont tentés d’empêcher les autres à les y rejoindre, considère que...
9 May 2016
African countries can boost growth by cutting tariffs and removing "soft" barriers to trade, while still supporting their industries without completely protecting them.
9 May 2016
Du 05 au 07 mai, les Ministres des Affaires Etrangères de l’Union Africaine, se sont réunis à Nairobi, une fois n’est pas coutume, pour parler de développement et de questions liées à l’économie.
9 May 2016
L'inégalité demeure une question critique qui doit être abordée de toute urgence si l'on veut en éviter les conséquences coûteuses. C’est l’avis du Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique.
7 May 2016
Le rendez-vous du Kenya est le quatrième du genre. Il a lieu à deux mois du sommet des chefs d’Etat prévu à Kigali. Pendant trois jours, seules les questions de développement ont dominé même si les participants n’en étaient pas les spécialistes. Mais appelés à décider sur le plan diplomatique, il leur revient de définir les contours des thématiques et l’agenda général du continent.
6 May 2016
Em 2011 foi criado o Instituto Lula. Um dos três principais focos definidos para seu trabalho foi atuar para melhorar as relações do Brasil com a África, continente que recebeu atenção especial durante seus dois mandatos (2003 - 2010).
