Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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19 May 2016
RENOWNED economist and Nobel laureate, Professor Joseph Stiglitz has echoed Namibia’s development agenda and has advised Government to take better advantage of its resources, diversify its economy and take on board important lessons of development.
19 May 2016
The African Development Bank (AfDB), the OECD Development Centre and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will release their joint African Economic Outlook 2016.
17 May 2016
Nigeria and other member countries in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) may lose out in the $3.4 trillion combined GDP of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) economy by 2017 when the CFTA becomes operational if regional trade challenges are not addressed.
17 May 2016
President of Namibia Hage Geingob along with Minister of Finance of the country and Economics Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz, the UN Economic Commission for Africa Executive Secretary Carlos Lopes, today launched Namibia country Profile 2016. Other ...
17 May 2016
Confrontés à la baisse des cours de l'or noir et des matières premières, les pays subsahariens en sont réduits à faire appel à l'institution de Bretton Woods, dont l'aide passée a pourtant laissé de forts mauvais souvenirs.
16 May 2016
En marge de la semaine économique africaine tenue à Addis Abeba, du 31 mars au 6 avril, Financial Afrik a réalisé un entretien croisé exclusif entre Carlos Lopes et Ha-Joon Chang. Respectivement Sécrétaire général exécutif de la Commission économique africaine et professeur à Cambridge, ces deux économistes se rejoignent sur le rôle moteur de l’Etat dans les politiques de développement.
16 May 2016
The world still perceives Africa on its fragilities, eventually letting the stigma associated with fragility synonymous with the continent, said Carlos Lopes the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa at a two-day leadership seminar in Windhoek, Namibia. According to a statement released by UN Economic Commission for Africa on Monday, in the presence of President Hage Geingob,...
16 May 2016
President of Namibia Hage Geingob along with Minister of Finance of the country and Economics Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz, the UN Economic Commission for Africa Executive Secretary Carlos Lopes, today launched Namibia country Profile 2016.
14 May 2016
The world is still perceiving Africa on its fragilities and thus the continent becoming the image of fragility itself, said ECA's Executive Secretary, Carlos Lopes at a two-day leadership seminar in Windhoek, Namibia.
14 May 2016
Africa is home to 700 large and increasingly pan-African companies that make above $500 million in annual revenue, but on average, even the big African companies are smaller than those in other developing regions of the world, a session at the World Economic Forum on Africa that came to a close yesterday in Kigali, Rwanda was told.
13 May 2016
This is a critical moment in the global fight against corruption. On Thursday, the Prime Minister will host a ground-breaking Anti-Corruption Summit here in London. Leaders and ministers from more than 40 countries will come together to agree action to expose, punish and drive out corruption. This international Summit shows that corruption is a global problem, one that requires us to take...
13 May 2016
The African Development Bank (AfDB), the OECD Development Centre and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will release their joint African Economic Outlook 2016. This yearly report contains country notes with projections and analysis on macroeconomic, finance, trade, social and human development trends and statistics for all 54 African countries.
13 May 2016
The African Development Bank (AfDB), the OECD Development Centre and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will release their joint African Economic Outlook 2016. This yearly report contains country notes with projections and analysis on macroeconomic, finance, trade, social and human development trends and statistics for all 54 African countries.
13 May 2016
Conquérir le continent africain, tous les hommes d’affaires réunis à Kigali (Rwanda), jusqu’au 13 mai, à l’occasion du 26e Forum économique mondial en rêvent. Tous ont, dans leur sac, des projets, des business plans, et rêvent de faire « LA » rencontre qui leur ouvrira les portes du marché.
13 May 2016
Africa is home to 700 large and increasingly pan-African companies that make above $500 million in annual revenue, but on average, even the big African companies are smaller than those in other developing regions of the world, a session at the World Economic Forum on Africa that is coming to a close in Kigali, Rwanda was told.
13 May 2016
THE debate this week on ‘Closing the Gap of Inequality’, with lectures and presentations by Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Carlos Lopes, has been an important one to stimulate our national thought processes in a search for solutions to this burning issue.
12 May 2016
Inequality remains a critical issue that should be addressed with urgency if costly consequences are to be avoided, executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa Carlos Lopes recently said.
12 May 2016
The three-day World Economic Forum 2016 in Rwanda attracted global business leaders, philanthropists and heads of state along with 1,500 delegates. This will be their first time visiting the country that aspires to be “the Switzerland of Africa.”
12 May 2016
The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Africa is currently running in Kigali, Rwanda, where amongst high-level panels on public policy, innovation and climate change, leaders will inevitably address the increasingly challenging global economic environment.
12 May 2016
Because our agriculture has the lowest productivity in the world, the only way we are going to be able to catch up with productivity is by linking it to agro processing. Not living it alone, but adding value to the chain.
