ECA Media Mentions - Videos and Radio streams
Videos and Radio streams
Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
Copyright Note: The links to respective articles are provided as available, but access to some of the full articles may be limited to individual subscribers. ECA has no control over external website content and/or links, which may no longer exist or be redirected.
28 October 2017
The Tripartite Free Trade Area -TFTA-promises access to market and greater inclusivity for Africa's inter-regional trade prospects. This is according to the Director of UN's Economic Commission for Africa in Southern Africa. In an interview with our reporter Liabo Setho, Said Adejunobi says even before the agreement between COMESA - EAC and SADC can formally be in place, there is a need...
27 October 2017
Zimbabwe still hopes to achieve 3.7 percent Economic growth this year despite the challenges it faces. In an interview with our reporter Liabo Setho, the Permanent Secretary of Treasury in Zimbabwe Willard Manungo says the government is working hard to work revive the manufacturing sector to prop up the economy. The Zimbabwean Economy is still way off the mark in terms of desired levels of...
27 October 2017
26 October 2017
Informal traders in Bulawayo say they want to trade with the South African Rand. The Zimbabwean government Introduced bond notes in November last year as part of measures meant to address the liquidity crisis in Zimbabwe. Our reporter Liabo Setho has more.
24 October 2017
Trade Law Centre of Southern Africa says tariff application is the most sensitive issue of the Tripartite Free Trade Area agreement. Experts are currently meeting in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, to try and speed up the implementation of this agreement. It's expected to bolster intra-regional trade by creating a wider market and increase investment flows among other things. SABC Reporter Liabo Setho...
16 October 2017
5 October 2017
Video made for the United Nations Economic Mission for Africa (ECA) by APO Group ( in September 2017.
3 October 2017
7 September 2017
The Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa (SDGC/A) conference plenary session continued with the High Level Panel Discussion on Quality Tertiary Education in the Era of SDGs and Agenda 2063, moderated by Mr. Bonney Tunya, CNBC Africa Presenter.
7 September 2017
6 September 2017
26 July 2017
An interview with Dozie Ezigbalike, the chief data tech section of the UN economic commission for Africa, on the need for mass inclusion in data acquisition to aid development in Africa.
6 July 2017
In recent speeches, Canadian ministers Chrystia Freeland and François-Philippe Champagne have been calling for a “Progressive Trade Agenda” that supports a more inclusive trade policymaking process to address inequalities at all levels that hold back the ability of women, minorities and the poor to participate fully in, and benefit from, international trade.
4 July 2017
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, UNECA has honoured President Akufo-Addo as the AU Gender Champion for 2017. The Chairman of the African Union, Guinea's President, Prof. Alpha Conde who is also Chairman of the African Union, said the honour is in recognition of President Akufo Addo's effort in promoting gender equality on the continent.
3 July 2017
Statement by UNECA Ag. Executive Secretary H.E. Abdalla Hamdok at the Opening Session of the 31st Ordinary Session of the AU Executive Council
22 May 2017
L'élimination de la pauvreté et la promotion de la prospérité en Afrique, au centre des discussions du 3e forum régional africain pour le développement durable. Il s'est achevé à Addis-Abeba en fin de semaine dernière. Le Maroc était présent pour cette rencontre régionale. Un forum de préparation pour les prochaines discussions prévues à New York au mois de juillet.
12 May 2017
What is the view on the European project from the outside? How are the European crises seen in Africa? What will be the impacts of Brexit on developing countries? David Luke, Coordinator of the African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC) at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) gives some insights.
28 April 2017
Movemeback partnered with the LSE Africa Summit on April 1st 2017 to present a series of interviews with some of the most interesting attendees, panelists and presenters. In this series, we will find out what these distinguished individuals think of some of the biggest challenges faced on the Continent.
15 April 2017
Cameroonian Vera Songwe is the new executive secretary of the UN economic Commission for Africa.
Songwe becomes the first woman to head the Addis Ababa based body. The post was previously held by Carlos Lopez. He resigned last year.
14 April 2017
Antonio Guterres, secrétaire général des Nations unies a procédé ce vendredi à de nouvelles nominations au poste de secrétaire général régional. Parmi les personnes nommées, la brillante Camerounaise Vera Songwe. Elle devient la première femme à occuper le poste de secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique.
14 April 2017
Cameroonian economist and banking executive Vera Songwe has been appointed the new Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission on Africa (ECA).