ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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15 January 2020
Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi began his second, and last, term in office on Wednesday; following elections last October as the country awaits him for guidance towards long-lasting peace and recovery of the economy.
15 January 2020
Global energy and commodity price-reporting agency Argus will host the 11th annual Argus Africa Fertilizer conference at The Westin Cape Town South Africa, on 19-21 February 2020. The conference is widely recognised as the leading fertilizer trade event in the region, regularly attracting over 400 attendees representing 150+ companies from across the fertilizer supply chain.
15 January 2020
Kenya and its landlocked neighbours, Ethiopia and South Sudan, will use crowdfunding to raise the billions of shillings required to build infrastructure linking their economies.
15 January 2020
La réunion de haut niveau du groupe des experts de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) aura lieu du 16 au 17 janvier, dans la capitale sud-africaine, sur le thème : « L’innovation pour le développement du secteur privé en Afrique ».
14 January 2020
La población africana prácticamente en el 2050 y alcanzará los 2.500 millones de personas, una cuarta parte de la población mundial. Una buena gobernanza será clave para generar crecimiento económico con empleos de calidad y que palíe la desigualdad
14 January 2020
The 2020 report builds on previous editions of ERA and various analytical work undertaken by ECA, as well as research by other research institutions, on financing Africa’s development.
14 January 2020
An expert group meeting to review the Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) flagship Economic Report on Africa (ERA2020) has been scheduled for 16 - 17 January 2020 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
14 January 2020
Une réunion de groupe d’experts chargé d’examiner le Rapport économique phare sur l’Afrique (ERA2020) de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) se tiendra les 16 et 17 janvier 2020, à Johannesburg, en Afrique du Sud.
14 January 2020
Ms. Mulu Gebregziabher, State Minister of Transport of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia presided over a workshop to validate a report on the road safety performance review of Ethiopia on 14 January 2020 at the United Nations Conference Center in Addis Ababa.
14 January 2020
On average, about 13 people die in road traffic accident in Ethiopia each day, according to a report. This was revealed at workshop held today at the United Nations Conference Center in Addis Ababa to validate a report on the road safety performance review of Ethiopia.
14 January 2020
Une réunion de groupe d’experts chargé d’examiner le Rapport économique phare sur l’Afrique (ERA2020) de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) se tiendra les 16 et 17 janvier 2020, à Johannesburg, en Afrique du Sud.
14 January 2020
An expert group meeting to review the Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) flagship Economic Report on Africa (ERA2020) has been scheduled for 16 – 17 January 2020 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
14 January 2020
At least 13 people die in road traffic accidents in Ethiopia each day, a new report revealed on Tuesday. In terms of region, the research also says about 85% of all road traffic accidents occur in three regions – Oromia, Amhara and SNNP regional states – and in Addis Ababa city.
14 January 2020
በኢትዮጵያ በትራፊክ አደጋ ምክንያት በየሁለት ሰዓቱ አንድ ሰው ለህልፈተ ህይወት እንደሚዳረግ አንድ የዘርፉ ጥናት አመላከተ። በጥናቱ በቀን 13 ሰዎች በኢትዮጵያ በትራፊክ አደጋ ምክንያት ህይወታቸው እንደሚቀጠፍም ተመልክቷል።
14 January 2020
The third round of Africa Business Forum scheduled in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia next month is set to focus on investing in people, planet and prosperity.
14 January 2020
Le rapport intitulé, « L’innovation pour le développement du secteur privé en Afrique », examinera les connaissances actuelles sur les innovations en matière de finance, y compris les technologies financières (fintech) et comment ces innovations peuvent être révolutionnaire dans le financement du développement du secteur des entreprises en Afrique.
13 January 2020
C’est sous le thème principal : « 2020-2030 : une décennie pour créer une Afrique transformée et prospère dans le cadre du Programme 2030 et du Programme 2063 »,que va se tenir le Forum régional africain sur le développement durable. Il s’agit d’une plate-forme intergouvernementale et multipartite qui se réunit chaque année sous l’égide de la Commission Economique pour l’Afrique (CEA), en...
13 January 2020
Dans des domaines variés l’expertise nationale, marque d’une diplomatie dynamique est reconnue et appréciée.
13 January 2020
a Secrétaire Exécutive de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique a répondu aux questions du Quatrième Pouvoir, dans le sillage de l’actualité africaine concernant l’éco en zone CEDEAO, et les perspectives économiques du Continent. Entretien exclusif à retrouver dans quelques jours sur et notre chaine Youtube officielle.
13 January 2020
An expert group meeting to review the Economic Commission for Africa's (ECA) flagship Economic Report on Africa (ERA2020) has been scheduled for 16 - 17 January 2020 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
13 January 2020
An expert group meeting to review the Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) flagship Economic Report on Africa (ERA2020) has been scheduled for 16 - 17 January 2020 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
11 January 2020
Malgré ses nuisances, l'urbanisation de l'Afrique (+ 4 % par an) est porteuse d'un fort potentiel de développement et de croissance.
11 January 2020
On the one hand, the economic and governance picture suggests that Africa is poised to play a major role in the world – with burgeoning trade, investment, and demographic and population trends that, while posing living standard issues, also promise robust and expanding markets.
10 January 2020
African States will have four days in February to reflect on sustainable development on the continent, as part of the sixth edition of the regional forum devoted to this subject. Zimbabwe, which will host the event, has been chosen at a time when the country is witnessing an increase in the number of disasters caused by climate change on its territory.
10 January 2020
Les États africains vont consacrer quatre jours du mois de février à des réflexions sur le développement durable sur le continent, dans le cadre de la sixième édition du forum régional consacré à ce sujet. Le Zimbabwe qui accueille la manifestation, a été choisi alors que le pays voit les désastres causés à par le changement climatique se multiplier sur son territoire.
