ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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1 February 2018
Rwanda's President Paul Kagame has cited his government's partnerships with the private sector - particularly in drone technology - as an example of how African businesses and governments can collaborate to produce lasting solutions for the continent's people.
1 February 2018
A call for a paradigm shift from support to partnership in Africa’s relationship with the West dominates the inaugural Africa Business and Investment Forum held on January 30, 2018, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
1 February 2018
African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat has sounded a warning on South Sudan leaders that they risk unspecified sanctions if they do not adhere to the peace agreement.
1 February 2018
C'est l'une des figures de la lutte anti-corruption en Afrique... Depuis dix mois, l'économiste camerounaise Vera Songwe est la nouvelle secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l'Afrique.
1 February 2018
Dans son dernier rapport « Mesurer la corruption en Afrique IV », la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l’Afrique (CEA) souligne que la corruption est la cause et l’effet d’une mauvaise gouvernance et d’institutions faibles, et constitue l’un des principaux obstacles à la transformation structurelle du continent.
1 February 2018
La mutuelle panafricaine de gestion de risques Africa Risk Capacity (ARC) et la Commission économique des Nation unies pour l’Afrique (CEA) des Nations unies se sont associées pour renforcer la couverture d’assurance contre les risques climatiques en Afrique en intégrant les investissements de gestion des risques dans la planification gouvernementale par l'élaboration de politiques.
31 January 2018
The African Risk Capacity (ARC), an agency of the African Union, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) today (January 30, 2018) announced a new partnership which will see the two organisations work together to increase insurance coverage against climate risks for African states.
31 January 2018
31 January 2018
“Africa requires partnership, not support,” African Heads of State insisted at the just concluded UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
31 January 2018
The African Risk Capacity (ARC), an agency of the African Union (AU), and the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Tuesday announced a new partnership to increase insurance coverage against climate risks for African states.
31 January 2018
The African Risk Capacity (ARC), an organisation providing parametric sovereign disaster risk insurance and resilience building support to African nations, has entered into a partnership with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) aiming to increase uptake and coverage of climate risk insurance in the region.
31 January 2018
En présence de nombreux Chefs d'État, la Commission économique africaine (Cea) a convié, hier, plusieurs experts et le secteur privé sur l’investissement en Afrique. Une occasion pour le Président Macky Sall de remercier Mme Vera Songwe pour son initiative. Le secteur privé a été invité à prendre sa place pour développer les opportunités d affaires dans le continent.
31 January 2018
The Chair of the Coalition for Dialogue on Africa (CoDA) Executive Board, Olusegun Obasanjo, also former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, on Tuesday officially launched CoDA office at the African Union Headquarters.
31 January 2018
African Heads of State has called for partnership and not support from global bodies; “we have a clear mandate to work with both public and private enterprises, to ensure the business environment is favourable and attractive to the international business community.
31 January 2018
The African Risk Capacity (ARC), an agency of the African Union, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), have announced a new partnership which will see the two organizations work together to increase insurance coverage against climate risks for African states.
31 January 2018
Their message was loud and clear: Africa requires partnership, not support. African Heads of State insisted they have a clear mandate to work with both public and private enterprises, to ensure the business environment is favourable and attractive to the international business community.
31 January 2018
The new African Union chairperson, Paul Kagame, kicked off his reign with a Business and Investment Forum where he strongly advocated for active private sector participation in the African governance process.
31 January 2018
The new African Union chairperson, Paul Kagame, kicked off his reign with a Business and Investment Forum where he strongly advocated for active private sector participation in the African governance process.
31 January 2018
President Paul Kagame has called for closer collaboration between the private sector and African governments to increase economic opportunity and entrepreneurship on the continent.
31 January 2018
En présence de nombreux Chefs d'État, la Commission économique africaine (Cea) a convié, hier, plusieurs experts et le secteur privé sur l’investissement en Afrique. Une occasion pour le Président Macky Sall de remercier Mme Vera Songwe pour son initiative. Le secteur privé a été invité à prendre sa place pour développer les opportunités d affaires dans le continent.
31 January 2018
Six African countries were recognised by the 30th African Union Summit, during the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA) for their exemplary leadership in driving down malaria cases, even as regional and global progress risks losing momentum.
31 January 2018
African Heads of State insisted they have a clear mandate to work with both public and private enterprises, to ensure the business environment is favourable and attractive to the international business community.
31 January 2018
Le nouveau président de l’Union africaine, Paul Kagamé, a débuté son mandat en participant à un forum sur les entreprises et l’investissement. Il y a notamment plaidé pour une participation active du secteur privé dans le processus de gouvernance en Afrique.
31 January 2018
En présence de nombreux Chefs d'État, la Commission économique africaine (Cea) a convié, hier, plusieurs experts et le secteur privé sur l’investissement en Afrique. Une occasion pour le Président Macky Sall de remercier Mme Vera Songwe pour son initiative. Le secteur privé a été invité à prendre sa place pour développer les opportunités d affaires dans le continent.
31 January 2018
Le 30e Sommet de l’Union Africaine (UA), tenu cette semaine à Addis-Abeba, s’est penché sur la corruption en Afrique, la lutte contre le terrorisme et les crises régionales. Une réforme de l’institution est à l’ordre du jour.
