ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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1 August 2018
There is an urgent need to develop the pharmaceutical sector in Africa to reduce the continent’s dependence on imported pharmaceutical and medical products, says Economic Commission for Africa’s Soteri Gatera.
1 August 2018
THERE is an urgent need to develop the pharmaceutical sector in Africa to reduce the continent’s dependence on imported pharmaceutical and medical products, says Economic Commission for Africa’s Soteri Gatera.
1 August 2018
Two of African development’s rising stars shared their understanding of a broad range of challenging issues during the recent African Transformation Forum and painted an exciting picture of the continent’s future.
1 August 2018
በአፍሪካ የመንግስታቱ ድርጅት የኢኮኖሚ ኮሚሽን /ኢሲኤ/ በአፍሪካ የዲጂታል ፋይናንስ ትስስርን ለመፍጠር ‹‹አንት›› ከሚባል የቻይና የፋይናስ ተቋም ጋር በአጋርነት እንደሚሰራ አስታወቀ፡፡
31 July 2018
The effects of joblessness go well beyond the inability of individuals to meet his daily needs, the society also suffers when a large chunk of its citizenry are idle.
31 July 2018
For a while now, policy, economic and political analysts and organisations such as the Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute Uganda and Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group have been urging government to closely monitor transactions of multinational companies after it was discovered that many of them pay very little taxes or nothing at all on taxable incomes they...
31 July 2018
AfCFTA is a framework between African Union member states, aimed at creating a single market with seamless cross-border trade and at increasing intra-Africa trade.
31 July 2018
The Economic Commission for Africa has said that the entire continent stands to gain much more from AfCFTA than it benefits from other trading arrangements with regions outside the continent. The statements were made during a policy dialogue to discuss the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and assess the country’s readiness to tap into the agreement’s potential. The Economic Policy...
31 July 2018
President Donald Trump has suspended Rwanda’s right to export clothing duty-free to the United States over Kigali’s decision to increase tariffs on imports of used clothing and footwear, the U.S. Trade Representative’s office said.
31 July 2018
The African Trade Policy Centre of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), in partnership with Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute (TMALI) and the Pan African Strategic and Policy Research Group (PANAGRAF), last week hosted the 2nd Roundtable on Equity in Intra African Trade-Induced Industrialization and Integration.
31 July 2018
With United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres as a guest at the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in his first month in office in January 2017, and then again this January past, the UN is signaling a new era of partnership with the regional body and with the continent.
31 July 2018
US$1.6 m allocated by the Tunisian Government for the construction and equipment of two pilot kitchens.
30 July 2018
La dette publique peut être un piège qui se referme sur certains pays. C’est le cas lorsqu’un pays créancier invoque les sommes qui lui sont dues comme moyen de pression pour atteindre des objectifs stratégiques.
30 July 2018
European diplomats routinely smile when the BRICS are mentioned. They will suggest that the “BRICS” are “nothing”, not even an NGO (non-governmental organisation), let alone a Regional or International Organisation.
30 July 2018
Recent socioeconomic progress in Africa has occurred in the context of ubiquitous information and communications technologies (ICTs). According to the International Telecommunication Union 2017 data, 67 percent of African population, estimated to be about 1.13 billion, now has mobile phones and 26.5 percent are now using the Internet.
30 July 2018
The powerful idea African countries and cities should be connected with strong transportation networks, particularly by road and rail, is one that can sometimes be over-romanticized as a pan-African vision of the independence struggle. It has roots in colonialists’ vision for connecting the territories they controlled.
30 July 2018
Les richesses naturelles dont les ressources pétrolières que regorge le continent africain représentent une importante source de devises pour les pays producteurs qui ont subi de plein fouet la crise de 2014 – 2016. S’ensuit un véritable marasme économique poussant les plus avisés à élaborer d’ambitieux programmes de diversification plus ou moins efficaces alors que d’autres persistent dans le...
30 July 2018
The African Trade Policy Centre of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), in partnership with Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute (TMALI) and the Pan African Strategic and Policy Research Group (PANAGRAF), last week hosted the 2nd Roundtable on Equity in Intra African Trade-Induced Industrialization and Integration.
30 July 2018
The African Trade Policy Centre of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), in partnership with Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute (TMALI) and the Pan African Strategic and Policy Research Group (PANAGRAF), last week hosted the 2nd Roundtable on Equity in Intra African Trade-Induced Industrialization and Integration.
29 July 2018
The ultimate goal of economic growth is to improve the living standard of people in any country. This goal is sustainably achieved, primarily through people’s employment income. Thus, employment is seen as the main mechanism through which the goal of economic performance is reflected and achieved. In the same vein, the twin issue of job creation and full employment are regarded as economic...
27 July 2018
In view of the cold feet so far demonstrated by larger economies in signing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), global multinational financial and governance institutions are about now, concluding discussions that will hamonise series of consultative meetings in Nairobi, Kenya.
26 July 2018
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) will continue to support member states in their quest for sustainable development that promotes inclusive prosperity, economic opportunity and greater social well-being, according to Sylvain Boko, principal regional advisor on planning and statistics in the ECA’s Capacity Development Division
26 July 2018
The ultimate goal of economic growth is to improve the living standard of people in any country.
26 July 2018
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) revealed Africa’s support to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration that was finalized on Friday by member states of the UN.
African integration
26 July 2018
From the time of independence, there have been failed attempts to industrialise efficiently using import-substitution, which gave rise to the notion of regional integration as a means to facilitate structural transformation in Africa. As a result, African countries have embraced regional integration as an important component of their development strategies primarily driven by the economic...
