ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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22 July 2020
Le débat de haut niveau de la session de 2020 du Conseil économique et social (ECOSOC), tenu conjointement avec la réunion ministérielle de trois jours du forum politique de haut niveau pour le développement durable, s’est achevé le 17 juillet sans l’adoption d’une déclaration ministérielle mais sur des appels forts à forger une riposte multilatérale et inclusive face à la pandémie de COVID-19.
22 July 2020
Much still needs to be done for Africa to increase internet penetration as the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the continent’s trade and socioeconomic condition, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) said on Tuesday.
22 July 2020
La pandémie de COVID-19 poursuit inexorablement sa progression en Afrique, menaçant des vies, des moyens de subsistance et des années de développement. Mais des risques plus graves encore se profilent, liés en particulier aux impacts du changement climatique. Pour répondre à cette autre urgence aux implications à long terme, les Nations Unies soutiennent les initiatives africaines visant à une...
21 July 2020
The world is increasingly going digital but much still need to be done on the continent to increase internet penetration. According to the International Telecommunication Union, in 2019 only 28 per cent of Africans used the internet and online shoppers are relatively still few.
21 July 2020
The executive secretary of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), has proposed to African heads of state that trading under this framework starts in January 2021, according to an official.
20 July 2020
Les envois de fonds vers l’Afrique subsaharienne devraient enregistrer la plus forte baisse d’environ 23,1% en 2020, en raison de l’impact de la Covid-19 sur les migrants, révèlent des statistiques du Centre européen de gestion des politiques de développement (ECDPM), contenues dans un rapport.
20 July 2020
As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to decimate air passenger numbers, many African airlines risk bankruptcy as governments across the continent lack the financial resources needed to support their national carriers.
20 July 2020
Africa will need a lot of energy to build back better in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Vera Songwe, said.
20 July 2020
The world is increasingly going digital but much still need to be done on the continent to increase internet penetration. According to the International Telecommunication Union, in 2019 only 28 per cent of Africans used the internet and online shoppers are relatively still few.
20 July 2020
Le sommet des ministres des Finances et gouverneurs des banques centrales du G20 s’est tenu ce 18 juillet en visioconférence au cours de laquelle, le Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA), Vera Songwe a plaidé pour l’extension de la suspension du service de la dette internationale et la création de nouveaux Droits de tirage spéciaux (DTS) par le FMI (Fonds...
19 July 2020
It is hardly two months since the minister of finance, Tito Mboweni, in his budget speech confidently likened the South African economy to Aloe ferox, a plant that survives in arid conditions. It wins even when it seems the odds are against it, he said. He went on to reassure MPs that “the South African economy has won before and it will win again”.
19 July 2020
Lors du G20 des ministres des Finances, Vera Sogwe, la patronne de la commission économique pour l’Afrique, a soutenu une demande d’extension de la suspension du service de la dette internationale et la création de nouveaux DTS par le FMI au profit des pays pauvres. Aucune de ces requêtes n’a abouti pour le moment.
19 July 2020
Résolument engagé vers la voie de l’économie verte pour pallier la forte dépendance au secteur pétrolier, le Gabon entend étendre son leadership hors de ses frontières. À ce titre, Ghislain Nzue Nzue, Directeur Général de la structure « Maintenance Global Industrielle » (MGI) et consultant en Maintenance Industrielle et énergies renouvelables, fera la promotion des ambitions gabonaises à Cotonou...
18 July 2020
The Group of 20 leading economies this weekend may have to consider expanding help for the world’s poorest countries, three months after agreeing to provide temporary debt relief, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage nations.
18 July 2020
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) on Friday stressed that the African continent will need greater energy sources to build back better in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.
17 July 2020
The Group of 20 leading economies this weekend may have to consider expanding help for the world’s poorest countries, three months after agreeing to provide temporary debt relief, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage nations.
17 July 2020
In Africa COVID-19 has shifted the cultural context almost beyond recognition. Suddenly previous obstacles to change are surmountable as bigger ones are overcome, and an ethos of urgent action becomes the norm.
17 July 2020
La pandémie de coronavirus continue de déjouer les prévisions économiques de nombreux pays du continent. Le numérique dont le développement a toujours été poussif, s’est finalement révélé indispensable pour assurer la continuité de l’activité dans certains secteurs stratégiques, dont l’administration publique. Mais le numérique se profile également comme la nouvelle niche fiscale à travers...
17 July 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has said the continent requires more energy to boost economic recovery post-COVID-19, noting that the continent’s energy depended on substitution and not transition.
17 July 2020
As South Africa’s coronavirus caseload hit the 300,000 mark this week, South African Airways got some good news: a reported government financial commitment to bail out the struggling state carrier, whose flights have been grounded because of the coronavirus since March.
17 July 2020
The Southern Africa Human Rights Roundup is a weekly column aimed at highlighting important human rights news in southern Africa. It integrates efforts of human rights defenders and facilitates evidence-based engagement with key stakeholders, and institutions on the human rights situation across the region. The weekly roundup is a collaboration between the Southern Africa Human Rights Defenders...
17 July 2020
Neste fim de semana, as principais economias do G-20 podem ter que considerar a expansão da ajuda aos países mais pobres do mundo, três meses depois de concordar em fornecer alívio temporário da dívida, já que a pandemia de coronavírus continua devastando nações.... - Veja mais em
17 July 2020
The Group of 20 leading economies this weekend may have to consider expanding help for the world’s poorest countries, three months after agreeing to provide temporary debt relief, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage nations.
17 July 2020
Le continent africain aura besoin de plus grandes sources d’énergie pour mieux reconstruire après la pandémie de COVID-19, a indiqué vendredi la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA).
17 July 2020
Economic Commission for Africa’s executive secretary, Vera Songwe, says the continent’s main issue when it comes to energy was not that of transition, but energy substitution.
