ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

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2 October 2018
Africa needs to start changing the way it produces and packages data and statistics to ensure its industrialization and diversification processes are backed by reliable and accurate data, Economic Commission for Africa’s Deputy Executive Secretary and Chief Economist, Abdalla Hamdok, said Monday.
2 October 2018
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) will be taking part in the timely 2018 World Trade Organisation (WTO) Public Forum under the main theme "Trade 2030" with sub-themes on sustainable trade, technology-enabled trade, and a more inclusive trading system. The forum is scheduled to take place from 2 to 4 October in Geneva, Switzerland.
2 October 2018
The success of the sustainable development agenda calls for a "data revolution" to support Africa's developmental endeavors at all levels, Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome has said.
2 October 2018
The success of the sustainable development agenda calls for “data revolution’’ to support Africa’s developmental endeavours at all levels, Ethiopian President, Mulatu Teshome, has said.
2 October 2018
The success of the sustainable development agenda calls for a data revolution to support Africa’s developmental endeavors at all levels, Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome said on Monday.Officially opening the Sixth Meeting of the Statistical Commission for Africa (StatCom-Africa-VI), Teshome said quality statistical information was crucial, not only to provide the evidential basis for design and...
2 October 2018
The Eighth Meeting of the Forum on African Statistical Development (FASDev VIII) took place yesterday with member States at the end of the day calling on partners to increase financial support to member States, in line with priorities identified in their national strategies for the development of statistics.
1 October 2018
The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Vera Songwe concluded a productive series of engagements in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly (UNGA). Ms. Songwe engaged high-level participants and sessions, speaking on the Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), digital identity, investment opportunities and strengthened partnerships.
1 October 2018
New York, le 1er octobre 2018 (CEA) - La Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique, Vera Songwe, conclut une série de réunions fructueuses à New York, en marge de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies (AGNU).
1 October 2018
The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Vera Songwe concluded a productive series of engagements in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly (UNGA). Ms. Songwe engaged high-level participants and sessions, speaking on the Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), digital identity, investment opportunities and strengthened partnerships.
1 October 2018
La Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique, Vera Songwe, conclut une série de réunions fructueuses à New York, en marge de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies (AGNU).
1 October 2018
La Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA), Vera Songwe a, dans un communiqué parvenu lundi à APA, plaidé pour une large ouverture « des opportunités numériques » en Afrique.S’exprimant lors d’une table ronde sur l’identification pour le développement où participaient des dirigeants africains, en marge de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies (AGNU), la Camerounaise...
1 October 2018
GBCHealth, the Aliko Dangote Foundation and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) released preliminary findings on Thursday, September 27 from their forthcoming “Healthcare and Economic Growth in Africa” report, calling for greater African private sector involvement and investment in healthcare.
1 October 2018
አዲስ አበባ መስከረም 21/2011 በአፍሪካ ጥራት ያለው የስታቲስቲክስ መረጃን ለፖለሲ ግብዓትነት ለመጠቀም የህዝብና ቤት ቆጠራ አሰራርን ማዘመን ይገባል ሲሉ ፕሬዝዳንት ዶክተር ሙላቱ ተሾመ አስገነዘቡ።
1 October 2018
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa,ECA, Office for North Africa has called on countries to facilitate researchers’ access to their microeconomic data for a better understanding of the causes of distortions and productivity losses within their economies.
1 October 2018
The Sixth Statistical Commission for Africa, StatCom-Africa-VI, begins in Addis Ababa Monday, October 1, under the theme; Enhancing National Statistical System capacity to support policies for Africa’s economic diversification and industrialization.
1 October 2018
La Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique, Vera Songwe, conclut une série de réunions fructueuses à New York, en marge de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies (AGNU). Mme Songwe a discuté avec des participants et des sessions de haut niveau, parlant de la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECA), de l’Identité numérique, des opportunités d’investissement et...
1 October 2018
La Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA), Vera Songwe s’est réjouie du dynamisme des indices du commerce en Afrique qui se manifeste notamment par une « amélioration de l’environnement des affaires ».
1 October 2018
Africa needs to start changing the way it produces and packages data and statistics to ensure its industrialization and diversification processes are backed by reliable and accurate data, Economic Commission for Africa's Deputy Executive Secretary and Chief Economist, Abdalla Hamdok, said Monday.
1 October 2018
La mise en place du service Roaming à moindre coût pour faciliter la communication téléphonique en Afrique centrale a été au cœur de la 1ère Session extraordinaire de la Conférence des régulateurs des télécommunications tenue à Malabo en Guinée Equatoriale du 6 au 7 août dernier. L’ART du Cameroun, l’ART de Centrafrique, l’ARCEP du Gabon, l’ORTEL de la Guinée Equatoriale et l’ARCEP du Tchad ont...
29 September 2018
La secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique de l’Onu pour l’Afrique (CEA), Mme Vera Songwe, a été reçue en audience par le Président de la République, Joseph Kabila Kabange, vendredi à New York, en marge de la 73ème session de l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies. Leur entrevue a essentiellement porté sur les zones de libre-échange dont l’Afrique a grandement besoin pour son expansion...
29 September 2018
The Sixth Statistical Commission for Africa (StatCom-Africa-VI) begins in Addis Ababa Monday under the theme; Enhancing National Statistical System capacity to support policies for Africa’s economic diversification and industrialization.
29 September 2018
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September 28, 2018 (ECA) – The Sixth Statistical Commission for Africa (StatCom-Africa-VI) begins in Addis Ababa Monday under the theme; Enhancing National Statistical System capacity to support policies for Africa’s economic diversification and industrialization.
29 September 2018
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has called for greater all-rounded involvement in Africa's trade policy processes.
