ECA Media Mentions - Featured Articles

Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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9 April 2019
ECA Executive Secretary Vera Songwe met on Sunday 24th March with the Egyptian Minister of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform Hala Helmy El Said and Deputy Minister for Planning Ahmed Kamaly, on the sidelines of ECA’s 52ndSession and Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.
9 April 2019
Debating and discussing African migrations, youth and jobs, the 2019 Ibrahim Governance Weekend, held in Abidjan 5-7 April, heard that the global view of African migrations urgently needs to be reset since distorted data leads to inadequate policies.
9 April 2019
Les jeunes africains portent le poids de la crise sur le continent en raison d’une mauvaise gouvernance et non de la migration, selon un panel dirigé par l’ancienne présidente libérienne Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf présent à l’ouverture du forum Mo Ibarahim le samedi, 6 avril à Abidjan.
9 April 2019
Ouestafnews – Le continent africain est depuis le début des années 2000, l’une des parties du globe, les plus dynamiques en termes de croissance économique. Toutefois, un paradoxe tenace caractérise cette performance, à savoir le faible niveau de création d’emplois.
8 April 2019
African countries should speed up their digital transitions to raise more financing for the continent's development, according to a recent report by the United Nations Economic Commission of Africa, or UNECA.
8 April 2019
The Gambia recently joined as the 22nd-member nation to internally ratified the agreement constituted half that number needed to move the agreement forward out of the 44 African nations.
8 April 2019
African countries must prioritise domestic revenue mobilisation to triple growth if the continent is to meet its development goals and targets.
8 April 2019
In Africa the median age is 19.4 years; In Europe it is 41.8 years. Over 60 per cent of Africa's population is under the age of 25, and the continent’s population is expected to double by 2050. In contrast, in Europe just 27 per cent of the population are under 25, and it is a continent in decline.
8 April 2019
African countries should speed up their digital transitions to raise more financing for the continent's development, according to a recent report by the United Nations Economic Commission of Africa, or UNECA.
8 April 2019
African countries need to grow their economies faster if they are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by the target date of 2030, the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) says in its annual report.
7 April 2019
Africa’s youth are bearing the brunt of the crisis on the African continent due to poor governance, not migration, according to a panel headed by former Liberian president Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf at the Mo Ibrahim Foundation weekend in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire that focused in the issue of jobs or migration for Africa’s youths.
7 April 2019
For the past decades much has been said about the need for African countries to be integrated economically and unite to advance development and face challenges collectively. Sub regional economic blocs such as, Economic Community of West African states, South African Development Community, East African Community, Economic Community of Central African States and Common Market for Eastern and...
6 April 2019
6 April 2019
5 April 2019
Marrakech, 27 March 2019 (ECA) – ECA Executive Secretary Vera Songwe met on Tuesday 26 March in Marrakech the Libyan Minister of Economy and Industry Ali Al-Issaoui and Minister of Finance Faraj Abdourahman Bumatari.
5 April 2019
Having successfully established a model for the establishment of national fintech associations in Africa, Fintech Association of Nigeria has achieved a new feat as it partnered the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) to launch the umbrella continental body.
5 April 2019
L’entrée en vigueur de l’accord instaurant la future zone de libre échange reste suspendue à la ratification par un dernier État pour atteindre le seuil des 22 pays pour créer un marché commun de 2.500 milliards de dollars de PIB cumulé.
5 April 2019
Économie et dévelopement
4 April 2019
The much awaited Africa Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA), which is expected to scale up intra-trade, will finally come into force after The Gambia ratified it on Tuesday.
3 April 2019
La Commission Économique pour l’Afrique (Cea) a publié hier mardi 02 avril son rapport 2019 sur l’économie du continent. Elle note que la dette africaine a atteint une moyenne de 59,1% du Pib en 2017, créant une vulnérabilité à la dette, dans certains pays. Cinq pays africains sont carrément sur la liste rouge des Etats en crise d’endettement. Il s’agit du Tchad, du Mozambique, du Sud Soudan, du...
3 April 2019
According to The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), intra-African trade is expected to increase by 52.3% from 2020. With the African Continental Free Trade Agreement signing in Rwanda, March 2018, and other factors, Africa has proclaimed itself open for business - with 55 countries merging into a single market of 1.2 billion people and a combined GDP of $2.5tn, which will see Africa become the...
3 April 2019
Armenia’s Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan will be making an official visit to Ethiopia April 2-4, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. It said during the visit, the minister is scheduled to meet with President Sakhla-Vork Zevde of Ethiopia, State Foreign Minister Marcos Tekle Rike, as well as other officials.
3 April 2019
Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of UN Economic Commission for Africa, says that the CFTA is a stepping stone for trade in African countries. The Gambia is the 22nd African Country to ratify a continental free trade area protocol and is now putting it into motion.
2 April 2019
L’Afrique doit bâtir des économies plus résilientes pour disposer des ressources qui lui permettront d’atteindre ses objectifs de développement dans les prochaines décennies. Pour cela, le continent doit donner la priorité à la mobilisation des recettes et tripler la croissance de ses économies, estime la CEA, la Commission économique pour l’Afrique.
