IGAD - Harmonisation of Sectoral Policies
The harmonization of sectoral policies is mentioned in two sections of the Agreement Establishing IGAD. Article 7 indicates the promotion of macroeconomic policies and programmes in the social, technological and scientific fields; the harmonization of policies with regard to trade, customs, transport, communication, agriculture, natural resources; as well as the promotion of free movement of goods, services, people and the establishment of residence. Moreover, article 13a states that member States agree to develop and expand cooperation to harmonize existing national plans of action for marginal lands, dry lands management and control of land degradation; transport and communication policies, development of infrastructure and remove physical and non-physical barriers to interstate transport and communications; and to create an enabling environment for cross-border investment and gradually harmonize their investment policies.[1]
In February 2016, the IGAD Secretariat and its member States held a two-day workshop on the topic of IGAD Sectoral Strategies and Implementation Plans 2016–2020. The workshop focused on the six priority sectors: agriculture, natural resources and environment; regional cooperation and integration; peace and security; and social development and gender. The workshop validated and reaffirmed member States commitment to the implementation of the IGAD Strategy for the coming five years.[2]
[1] IGAD, Agreement Establishing the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (Nairobi, Kenya, 1996). Available from http://igad.int/etc/agreement_establishing_igad.pdf.
[2] IGAD,”IGAD Member States Validate Sectoral Strategies for the Next Five Years”, 17 March 2016. Available from http://igad.int/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1299:igad-m... (accessed 30 June 2016).