Pre-Forum Activities

Day 1 Sunday, 10 October 2010

Registration for ADF and pre-ADF activities
(Registration for ADF open all day)
Venue: Delegates Registration Building

Media Training on ‘Getting it Right: Reporting Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa’ Report

Day 2 Monday, 11 October 2010

08:00 hours

Registration for ADF and pre-ADF activities
(Registration for ADF open all day)
Venue: Delegates Registration Building

09:00 hours

Opening of ADF-VII exhibition
Venue: UNCC exhibition area

10:00-17:30 hours

Parallel Meetings/workshops

  1. African Climate Change and Environment Security (ACCES) Meeting on Climate Change and Security
  1. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)/InWENT (Capacity Building International) Experts Meeting on Climate Change Measurement
  1. UN RCM Social and Human Development Cluster meeting on Climate Change and Population, Health, Gender and Youth
    Pre-event Work Programme  | Concept Note
  1. Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) Africa Regional Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change
    1. Pre-event Agenda
    2. RRI brief: “Who Owns the Forests of Africa?” (2009)
    3. Dialogue Background paper 1: “Africa, forests and the global negotiations on climate change”
    4. Dialogue Background paper 2: “From RED to REDD+”
    5. Compendium of relevant Africa declarations on rights to land and forests
  1. African Union (AU)/ NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA) /ECA/World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Meeting on Climate Change, Agriculture and Rural Development
  1. Consultation on United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)-Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Climate Adaptation Collaborative Programme
  1. The Sixth UN Science and Technology Cluster meeting (ECA-UNESCO)

Day 3 Tuesday, 12 October 2010

10:00-17:00 hours

Parallel Meetings/workshops (continued)

  1. Global Climate Change Alliance(GCCA) Africa Regional Consultation

    GCCA LogoPre-event Draft Agenda
    GCCA Flyer
  1. ECA/InWENT Experts Meeting on Climate Change Measurement
  1. UN RCM Social and Human Development Cluster meeting on Climate Change and Population, Health, Gender and Youth
  1. Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) Africa Regional Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change
  1. UNEP-ECA-AUC High Level Seminar on Environmental Diplomacy
    Statement by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA
  1. African Development Bank Consultations on the Proposed Africa Green Fund
  1. World Bank–ECA Meeting on Energy and Climate for Development
    Supporting Energy Sector Adaptation, Mr. Emmanuel Nzabanita
    Climate-Proofing Energy Systems. Tools for Assessment and Monitoring, Hélène CONNOR, - Axel MICHAËLOWA - Laura WILLIAMSON
    Climate Impacts on Energy Systems, Jane Ebinger, ESMAP
    Development, energy and climate change: supporting Africa in addressing the challenge, Raffaello Cervigni
    Energy and climate for development, Steve Thorne
    Energy, Development and Climate Change in Africa, Vahid Alavian
    Integrating Low Carbon considerations into Development Planning, Yacob Mulugetta
  2. Delegates praise UNEP’s leadership role and achievement in Environmental Diplomacy

17:00-18:00 hours

Opening Ceremony

Venue: Conference Room 1