
Benin, formerly known as Dahomey, is one of Africa's most stable democracies. It boasts a proliferation of political parties and a strong civil society. Benin's shore includes what used to be known as the Slave Coast, from where captives were shipped across the Atlantic.
Source: World Statistics Pocket Book - United Nations  
                                                                                                    Summary Statistics
Full Name The Republic of Benin
RegionWestern Africa
Surface Area112,622 sq km (43,484 sq miles)
Population9.4 million (UN, 2012)
Major LanguagesFrench (official) Fon, Ge, Bariba, Yoruba, Dendi
Major ReligionIndigenous beliefs, Christianity, Islam
CurrencyCFA Franc (XOF)
Main ExportsCotton, palm oil
International Dialing Code+229
                                                                                                    Economic Indicators
GDP (Million Current US $)20117,295
GDP – Growth Rate at Constant 2005 prices (Annual %)20113.1
GDP per Capita (Current US $)2011802.0
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (% of GDP)201120.7
BOP – Current Account (Million US $)2011...
CPI (2000 = 100)2011137
Labor force participation, adult female pop. (%)201167.4
Labor force participation, adult male pop. (%)201178.2
Internet users (per 100 inhabitants)20113.5
Exports (Million US$)2010434.5
Imports (Million US$)20101,494.3
Major trading partners (% of exports)2010Nigeria (48.5), China (11.6), India (5.2)
Major trading partners (% of imports)2010France (16.3), China (12.6), Togo (10.9)
                                                                                                    Social Indicators
Population growth rate (Average annual %) 2010-20152.7
Urban population growth rate (Average annual %) 2010-20154.1
Rural population growth rate (Average annual %) 2010-20151.5
Urban population (%) 201245.6
Life expectancy at birth (Females and Males, years) 2010-201558.7/54.8
Infant mortality rate (Per 1 000 live births) 2010-201576.7
Fertility rate, total (Live births per woman) 2010-20155.1
Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-20125.4
Threatened species 201266
Forested area (% of land area) 201041.0
CO2 emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 20094851/0.6