
High-level Workshop on “Public-Private Partnerships’ implementation in the Energy Sector in Africa"
Challenges, Best Practices and New Trends
Thursday, June 30, 2011 to Friday, July 1, 2011
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The workshop responds to a number of African governments’ requests for assistance in the drafting of guidelines on establishing and managing PPP projects through the whole life cycle that includes preparation, implementation and service delivery in addition to the structuring of appropriate institutions and regulatory frameworks. The main objective of the workshop is to examine the main challenges and prospects to scale up private sector investment in the Energy sector in Africa, with a special focus on the main components of the PPP implementation framework. Through the analysis of African and international best practices, the workshop will examine the set of main principles for the PPP implementation framework in terms of processes and institutions, project structures, and recommended legislative and regulatory arrangements that would result in optimal risk allocation and improvements in financing and deal structuring arrangements.

Specific objectives of this workshop include the following:

•Enhance member countries’ capacity to mobilize increased financial, technical and human resources in support of Africa's clean energy development

•Provide the opportunity for participants from both public and private sectors to exchange experiences and new ideas and discuss practical strategies for PPP implementations that would improve service delivery in the energy sector.

•Present key lessons for a workable PPP implementation guide/framework, which is consistent with good governance principles in order to encourage greater private sector participation in the energy sector.

•Provide energy/infrastructure agencies with the necessary skills and competencies needed to realize sustainable and bankable PPP projects.


:: Opening Remarks  by Mr. Hamdok Abdalla

:: Welcoming Remarks, Korea Energy Economics Institute

:: Programme

:: Concept Note

:: Public-Private Partnerships in Africa’s Energy Sector: Challenges, best practices, and emerging trends



:: Comprehensive Scheme for the development of resources and energy infrastructures between African countries and Korea

:: Co-operation  between Africa and Korea in Generation and Transmission Project

:: Africa-Korea Economic Cooperation : Issues and Future Strategies

:: ADDRESSING CHALLENGES in PPP in the Power Sector     A Private Sector Perspective

:: PPPs in Africa’s Energy Sector

:: UNDP work on Pro-poor PPP for Local Service Delivery

:: Service delivery in the energy sector: Increasing private sector investment in generation & access

:: PPPs in Sub-Saharan Africa

:: Addressing Africa's Energy Sector: Status Analysis and Main Challenges

:: Financing Power Projects in Africa

:: African Energy Sector: Status Analysis and Main Challenges

:: PPP Power Projects in Southern Africa

:: Implementation Framework to Enhance Private Sector Investment and Participation in the Energy Sector

:: Green Economy: Opportunities, Challenges and Way Forward – Key Findings of the IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Mitigation

:: Addressing Challenges for Green Energy and Carbon Market Development

:: Implementation Framework to enhance Private sector Investment and Participation in the Energy Sector

:: Africa Energy Challenges and Opportunities