Carlos Lopes

Afrique: La course du guépard

Le blog de l'ancien Secrétaire exécutif

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19 Mars 2015
Participants of the two-day retreat for senior officials of the UN system, organized by the UN Staff College and held in Turin, Italy. Counter-clockwise, starting at right, at foreground table: Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP); Oscar Fernández-Taranco, Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the Peacebuilding Support Office; Christiana Figueres, Executive...
19 Mars 2015
The Economic Commission for Africa and the African Union Commission will host the second Caucus of African Central Bank Governors, in Addis Ababa in the margins of the eighth Joint
19 Mars 2015
Donner à l’Afrique les moyens de mieux se connaître, afin de mieux décider de son destin. Sous la direction de Carlos Lopes, la CEA propose une série d’outils permettant de valider, ou au contraire de remettre en cause, les statistiques officielles.
19 Mars 2015
Carlos Lopes : "nous allons distinguer les bons et mauvais élèves de l'intégration africaine"
19 Mars 2015
Abidjan – Les experts et politiques discuteront de la mise en œuvre du Programme «UA 2063» - planification, mobilisation et financement pour le développement, lors de la 8ème Réunion annuelle conjointe de la Commission de l'Union africaine (CUA) et de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) qui se tiendra fin mars à Addis-Abeba, la capitale éthiopienne.
18 Mars 2015
During his lecture ‘Emerging Africa: The Middle Class and Development Challenges’ at SID Netherlands, Dr Carlos Lopes of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, discussed the opportunities and challenges that the rising middle class poses to the African economy.
18 Mars 2015
Présent à la conférence des CEO africains à Genève, le secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique des Nations-unies pour l’Afrique, Carlos Lopes critique la passivité des Etats qui continuent à trop dépendre des matières premières.
18 Mars 2015
This week, Dr. Carlos Lopes, the pioneering Executive Secretary of UNECA, spoke impressively at Chatham House in London on ‘Africa’s new economic agenda for transformation’. Here are our top four takeaways:
17 Mars 2015
O historiador Nuno Pereira defendeu hoje a necessidade de realizar uma investigação conjunta, por especialistas africanos e de Portugal, sobre a memória da guerra colonial, enquanto há ainda testemunhas vivas.
17 Mars 2015
Experts et politiques discuteront de la mise en œuvre du Programme « UA 2063 » - planification, mobilisation et financement pour le développement lors de la Huitième Réunion annuelle conjointe de la CUA et de la CEA qui se tiendra à Addis-Abeba, fin mars
16 Mars 2015
The executive secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Dr Carlos Lopes, has said that agribusiness has a "fundamental role" to play in the continent's economic development.
15 Mars 2015
This is Africa has a report which critically looks at the ‘Africa Rising’ narrative. This report, Building inclusive Economies – Can Africa bridge the development divide? Offers a different perspective to the Africa Rising narrative. Some of the questions which are addressed in this report which are worth looking at are;
14 Mars 2015
This is Africa has a report which critically looks at the ‘Africa Rising’ narrative. This report, Building inclusive Economies – Can Africa bridge the development divide? Offers a different perspective to the Africa Rising narrative. Some of the questions which are addressed in this report which are worth looking at are;
13 Mars 2015
Addis Ababa, 13 March 2015 (ECA) - Against a backdrop of intense negotiations leading up to the MDGs, and within the greater context of Agenda 2063, the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Union Commission (AUC) will hold one of its most important Conference of Ministers at the end of March. Over 1,000 participants are expected, including some 50 ministers of Finance, Planning...
13 Mars 2015
Dans son discours liminaire s'adressant au Financial Times lors du Sommet sur les infrastructures en Afrique qui s'est tenu le 10 mars 2015, à Londres, le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) souligne que l'Afrique a besoin de créer des projets d'infrastructures bancables.
13 Mars 2015
ADDIS ABEBA, Éthiopie, 13 mars 2015 / PRN Africa / — Dans un contexte de négociations intenses ayant abouti à la réalisation des OMD, et dans le contexte plus large du Programme «UA 2063», la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) et la Commission de l'Union africaine (CUA) tiendront une de leur plus importante Conférence des ministres en mars.
12 Mars 2015
The Ebola outbreak in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone is clearly not over yet and the disease can still crop up elsewhere on the continent. Efforts to make sure that it doesn’t spiral out of control again are slowly being put into place. This is certainly the time that Africa should say, ‘never again’
11 Mars 2015
Speaking at an event at the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House on the 10 March, Dr Lopes said that economic growth and diversification in Africa will make the communications and electronics industries increasingly important.
11 Mars 2015
The executive secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Dr Carlos Lopes, has spoken of the continent’s “amazing” potential to become a world leader in renewable energy
11 Mars 2015
A truly transformative post-2015 agenda demanded adaptation and change from the United Nations development system across the board, the President of the Economic and Social Council said today, as debate concluded on improving the Organization’s internal processes and external interventions designed to help countries strengthen national institutions and improve peoples’ well-being.
