Carlos Lopes

Afrique: La course du guépard

Le blog de l'ancien Secrétaire exécutif

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13 Mai 2015
Il processo di distacco dall’Occidente intrapreso dall’Africa registra un’altra importante pietra miliare. Ad Addis Abeba, capitale dell’Etiopia, l’Unione Africana ha deciso di rivendicare la sovranità delle risorse naturali e di usarle per lo sviluppo sociale ed industriale dei singoli Paesi membri.
13 Mai 2015
Exclusive interview with Dr Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) will address the closing session at African Utility Week on 14 May with the special focus on Smart Cities.
13 Mai 2015
A África além dos jornais. Lino Bocchini entrevista Carlos Lopes, secretário-adjunto da ONU
12 Mai 2015
Le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA) salue la décision de la 12e session ordinaire du Sommet des Chefs d’Etats de la CEMAC
11 Mai 2015
O secretário-adjunto da ONU Carlos Lopes desmitifica a imagem negativa do continente
11 Mai 2015
D'après l'enquête coproduite par Havas Paris et l'Institut Choiseul et portant sur un panel de 43 des plus grandes institutions financières et bancaires exerçant une activité en Afrique, 100 % des personnes interrogées en janvier et février sont optimistes quant à l'avenir à court et moyen termes de l'économie africaine, 53 % des sondés se déclarant même « très optimistes...
10 Mai 2015
Carlos Lopes. O guineense Carlos Lopes chefia a sede da ONU em Adis-Abeba, a ´Genebra africana´.
6 Mai 2015
NEPAD Agency CEO Dr Ibrahim Mayaki yesterday met with Dr Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the ECA ahead of the 8th AU ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
5 Mai 2015
Qui avait dit qu’on ne pouvait pas inventer, innover voire changer le monde depuis la Tunisie ? Les obstacles, certes existent, mais ne demeurent néanmoins pas impossible à surmonter. Saphonian, ou la technologie d’éolienne «Zéro Blade» en est l’exemple. Nous avons été, sur THD, les premiers à avoir annoncé ce projet révolutionnaire. 30 mois après notre article, qu’en est-il de la Saphonian ?
4 Mai 2015
UN General Assembly (UNGA) President Sam Kutesa convened a high-level thematic debate focusing on strengthening cooperation between the UN, regional and sub-regional organizations. Delegates discussed how to strengthen strategic partnerships, as well as how regional and sub-regional organizations can be engaged and mobilized to play an effective role in the implementation of a transformative post...
4 Mai 2015
In a rapidly changing world, bolstered cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations was needed to respond effectively to emerging threats to international peace and security, the General Assembly was told today as it held a high-level thematic debate on the issue.
4 Mai 2015
In a rapidly changing world, bolstered cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations was needed to respond effectively to emerging threats to international peace and security, the General Assembly was told today as it held a high-level thematic debate on the issue.
3 Mai 2015
O secretário-executivo da Comissão Econômica da ONU para a África, Carlos Lopes, defende uma intervenção na Líbia com operação liderada por tropas africanas; no dia 19 de abril, 800 imigrantes que tentavam chegar à Europa morreram em um naufrágio
1 Mai 2015
Em geral, quando se fala sobre o continente africano, o tom é negativa e pessimista. Mas esse não é o único jeito de olhar para a região. Durante fala em evento do Instituto Lula, na última quinta (23), Carlos Lopes, representante da Comissão Econômica das Nações Unidas para África, mostrou que a África tem muito a oferecer para o mundo. Veja a seguir 11 fatos positivos que você não sabia sobre a...
30 Avril 2015
The first plenary session of the sixteenth session Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa (RCM) on 28 March 2015 discussed the United Nation’s system support to the African Union’s Year of Women’s Empowerment and Development towards Agenda 2063. The panel was co-chaired by Mr. Anthony Mothae Maruping, Commissioner for Economic Affairs,
30 Avril 2015
UA-CEA Conférence des ministres 2015
30 Avril 2015
An African woman has been married for 13 years and for every day of those 13 years she worked hard with her husband to cultivate a small piece of land he owned growing vegetables which she then sold in the market.
29 Avril 2015
Summary & Comment: Women inclusion in mainstream politics in Africa has lagged behind in implementation for decades. Lack of empowerment has been blamed for this seeming delay. However, lack of exerted efforts to implement the legal frameworks that rquire women’s inclusion in politics seem to be the principal impediment to the realisation of this most needed and long
28 Avril 2015
The capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, is hosting a week-long conference to be attended by African leaders including Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Mr. Mr Haliemariam Dessalegn, HE Paul Kagame, President, Rwanda, HE Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya. A number of African presidents have been attending the COMESA annual meetings, and some will stay on to participate in the UN Economic Commission for...
