Carlos Lopes

Afrique: La course du guépard

Le blog de l'ancien Secrétaire exécutif

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30 Octobre 2015
Depuis deux décennies, la gouvernance est devenue l’un des vocables les plus employés dans le champ des relations internationales en général et de la coopération au développement en particulier...
30 Octobre 2015
30 Octobre 2015
We live in a dangerous world where shared borders are not necessary for a conflict to spread to other areas. A conflict in one part of the world can cause conflicts elsewhere, even thousands of miles away, passively as well as actively
30 Octobre 2015
Carlos Lopes. Secretario ejecutivo de la Comisión Económica para África de Naciones Unidas Pie de foto: Es necesario que la IED contribuya a la integración del continente y en sus planes de desarrollo sostenible (Imagen: Gavin Houtheusen/DFID)
29 Octobre 2015
Indian companies must invest in African countries as they offer resources and growth opportunities that can be a win-win situation for both sides, Union External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said on Wednesday (28 October).
29 Octobre 2015
Le 3e Forum Inde-Afrique se déroule depuis lundi à New Delhi en présence de représentants de l’Inde et de 54 pays africains, dont 40 chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement. Après les sommets de 2008 dans la capitale indienne déjà et celui de 2011 à Addis Abeba (Ethiopie), c’est la première fois que l’intégralité des 54 pays africains sont représentés, une première également pour le Premier ministre...
28 Octobre 2015
There are several sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing where the strengths of India and Africa are complimentary and could produce a strong partnership in the future, opined the Indian Minister for External Affairs, Sushma Swaraj.
28 Octobre 2015
28 Octobre 2015
Dubbed the new investment frontier, Africa’s attractiveness is becoming more visible to large corporations, institutions and investors.
28 Octobre 2015
For Africa, climate change has massive consequences, the continent contributes the least to greenhouse gases but tends to be the most vulnerable to its consequences. This climate change is a threat to human survival in Africa, said Mr. Emmerson D. Mnangagwa, the Vice-President of Zimbabwe, on the opening the 5th Climate Change and Development in Africa Conference, currently taking place in...
28 Octobre 2015
Foreign investment (FDI) flows have grown exponentially since the turn of the millennium and countries such as South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt and Morocco are leading the exponential growth, writes Dr. Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
28 Octobre 2015
Foreign investment (FDI) flows have grown exponentially since the turn of the millennium and countries such as South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt and Morocco are leading the exponential growth, writes Dr. Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
28 Octobre 2015
New Delhi, Oct 28 (IANS) External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on Wednesday expressed the union government's support to the Indian companies investing in Africa and urged countries from that continent to take steps to attract Indian investments, particularly in manufacturing and processing industries.
28 Octobre 2015
Indian companies must invest in African countries as they offer resources and growth opportunities that provide a win-win situation for both sides, external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj said on Wednesday.
28 Octobre 2015
28 Octobre 2015
Dubbed the new investment frontier, Africa’s attractiveness is becoming more visible to large corporations, institutions and investors. Reflecting this, foreign investment (FDI) flows have grown exponentially since the turn of the millennium. Countries such as South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt and Morocco are leading the way.
28 Octobre 2015
The Economist’s first Ethiopia Summit has kicked off Wednesday at the Sheraton Hotel here in Addis Abeba. Part of a series of high growth country summits organized by the Economist bringing together industry and business leaders as well as government officials, the two day Summit themed “Driving Continued Growth,” provides a platform to discuss the factors shaping the country’s growth.
28 Octobre 2015
El ex presidente brasileño Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva cumplió ayer 70 años pero sin clima para festejos debido a los sondeos que dan cuenta de una fuerte caída en su nivel de popularidad, arrastrado por la crisis que afecta al gobierno de su partido y a la clase política brasileña en general.
27 Octobre 2015
27 Octobre 2015
ADDIS ABABA: The Embassy of the UAE in Ethiopia participated in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, held at its Economic Commission for Africa in the Ethiopian capital.
