Carlos Lopes

Afrique: La course du guépard

Le blog de l'ancien Secrétaire exécutif

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7 Décembre 2015
The Inclusive Green Growth Partnership aims to support developing countries to identify green growth opportunities and investments that promote inclusive, shared prosperity and equitable growth that creates employment and raises the incomes of the poorest.
7 Décembre 2015
Africa can leverage opportunities from climate change to engineer a new era of industrialisation that can drive clean economic growth, create sustainable jobs and reduce poverty, according to the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
7 Décembre 2015
Mardi 1er décembre est la Journée de l’Afrique, qui met le continent sous les projecteurs de la COP21, au lendemain de l’ouverture de ce sommet dédié au climat. C’est donc ce jour-là qui a été choisi pour l’inauguration officielle du Pavillon Afrique, un espace 100 % dédié au continent pour y exposer les enjeux spécifiques à l’Afrique en matière de changement climatique.
7 Décembre 2015
Africa can leverage opportunities from climate change to engineer a new era of industrialisation that can drive clean economic growth, create sustainable jobs and reduce poverty, according to the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa.
7 Décembre 2015
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will build on the expiring Millennium Development Goals, which were launched in 2000 to end extreme poverty by 2015.
7 Décembre 2015
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will build on the expiring Millennium Development Goals, which were launched in 2000 to end extreme poverty by 2015. What do the SDGs mean for African countries?
6 Décembre 2015
L'Afrique ne pèse pas lourd dans les négociations, mais ses chefs d'Etat exigent de substantielles compensations économiques au nom de la «justice climatique».
6 Décembre 2015
Africa’s leading mayors and government ministers have been in Johannesburg for a week to share information and knowledge on how African cities can be managed better.
6 Décembre 2015
AFRICA is by far the least emitter, but more than any other region, the most vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate changes. Major emitters of carbon dioxide (CO2), the more affluent nations, have been failing in their commitments and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP21 in Paris might be proving no exception.
5 Décembre 2015
'Africa has played a key role in global climate negotiations. Since 2006, the African group of negotiators working hard, but it must find ways to strengthen its capacity as a block. 'The statement was made by the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Carlos Lopes at the Africa Pavilion in a session focused on the conclusions of a study of Africa's road...
5 Décembre 2015
Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), also spoke at the launch of the African Pavilion – “Africa has played a key role in global climate negotiations. Since 2006, the African group of negotiators working hard, but it must find ways to strengthen its capacity as a block."
4 Décembre 2015
African leaders have resolved to connect the continent’s 640 million people without electricity, to a grid by 2030. They intend to achieve this feat through the African Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI).
4 Décembre 2015
"Africa has played a key role in global climate negotiations. The African group of negotiators has been working hard since 2006, but it must find ways to strengthen its capacity as a block.”
4 Décembre 2015
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will build on the expiring Millennium Development Goals, which were launched in 2000 to end extreme poverty by 2015. What do the SDGs mean for African countries? Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), shared his thoughts with Africa Renewal’s Jocelyne Sambira in Addis Ababa and Kingsley Ighobor in New York.
4 Décembre 2015
Les échanges commerciaux de la Chine avec l'Afrique sont denses, contrairement à ses investissements. Le programme One Belt One Road pourrait tout changer.
4 Décembre 2015
One of the key themes of The Global African Investment Summit, held in London on 1 and 2 November, was the need for investment in infrastructure at every level, while ensuring the right climate and safeguards for investors are in place.
4 Décembre 2015
'Africa has played a key role in global climate negotiations. Since 2006, the African group of negotiators working hard, but it must find ways to strengthen its capacity as a block. 'The statement was made by the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Carlos Lopes at the Africa Pavilion in a session focused on the conclusions of a study of Africa's road to...
4 Décembre 2015
When it comes to electric power, Africa is still the dark continent. Asrat Yirgu, WWF Africa’s Climate Change Coordinator, said: “This initiative can transform Africa’s energy systems, grow African economies and help improve energy access”.
4 Décembre 2015
Les scénarios catastrophes parlant de l’Afrique aux prises avec le réchauffement climatique d’ici cinquante ans ou plusieurs siècles sont légion. Mais il n’est pas nécessaire de regarder aussi loin. La prophétie s’est déjà réalisée dans certains endroits en 2015.
3 Décembre 2015
Africa today sent an unequivocal message of solidarity and unity of purpose at the official opening of the Africa Pavilion at the UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris. Speaking at the high level opening, President Yayi Boni of Benin, was resolute that the Africa is not at the negotiating table with a begging bowl.
