Carlos Lopes

Afrique: La course du guépard

Le blog de l'ancien Secrétaire exécutif

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Articles en vedette

26 Août 2016
26 Août 2016
Análise é do secretário executivo da Comissão Económica das Nações Unidas para o continente; Carlos Lopes cita Cabo Verde e São Tome e Príncipe no conjunto de pequenas economias com um desempenho económico positivo.
24 Août 2016
The Economic Commission for Africa's Carlos Lopes refers to the book Innovative Africa: Emerging Hubs of Excellence as a "must read" for "offering a refreshing alternative" to the "African Rising" narrative.
24 Août 2016
Os países africanos estão esperando um novo momento em sua cooperação com o Brasil. A análise foi feita pelo secretário-executivo da Comissão Econômica das Nações Unidas para África (Uneca), Carlos Lopes.
23 Août 2016
The Financial Times will hold its third Africa summit this October after cementing the event’s reputation as the leading conference in the world on African business and economics. The FT, which prides itself on the depth and breadth of its Africa coverage, will again produce a special report to coincide with the summit. Last year’s event, chaired by FT Editor Lionel Barber, built on the success...
23 Août 2016
The Financial Times will hold its third Africa summit this October after cementing the event’s reputation as the leading conference in the world on African business and economics. The FT, which prides itself on the depth and breadth of its Africa coverage, will again produce a special report to coincide with the summit. Last year’s event, chaired by FT Editor Lionel Barber, built on the success...
23 Août 2016
Chefe do ECA explicou que africanos têm financiado empresas chinesas com empréstimos a instituições financeiras internacionais; responsável disse que investimento e parcerias devem substituir era marcada por trocas comerciais.
22 Août 2016
Strong institutions: judiciary, media and civil society helping to strengthen leadership
22 Août 2016
Strong institutions: judiciary, media and civil society helping to strengthen leadership
22 Août 2016
Pour ce dossier sur les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD), nous mettons l’accent sur l’ODD 16, qui vise à promouvoir des sociétés en paix et inclusives, à fournir un accès à la justice pour tous et à construire des institutions efficaces, responsables et inclusives à tous les niveaux. Nous examinons comment les gouvernements africains gèrent la corruption, les systèmes électoraux, les...
20 Août 2016
19 Août 2016
At a time when Africa has bold aspirations, through Agenda 2063, to confront large scale challenges like the ascendant demographic curve, green industrialization and domestic resource mobilization, it is imperative that innovation be inclusive in order to facilitate the creation of decent jobs, generate investments, and contribute to the continent’s structural transformation. As a late comer,...
19 Août 2016
Au moment où l’Afrique ambitionne, dans le cadre de l’Agenda 2063, de s’attaquer à des défis de grande envergure (courbe démographique ascendante, industrialisation verte et mobilisation des ressources), l’innovation devrait être impérativement inclusive pour faciliter la création d’emplois décents, générer des investissements et contribuer à la transformation structurelle du continent. Arrivant...
19 Août 2016
At a time when Africa has bold aspirations, through Agenda 2063, to confront large scale challenges like the ascendant demographic curve, green industrialization and domestic resource mobilization, it is imperative that innovation be inclusive in order to facilitate the creation of decent jobs, generate investments, and contribute to the continent’s structural transformation.
15 Août 2016
For environmentalists and development experts, green is not just a colour it also refers to activities that benefit the environment – the careful use of the earth’s finite resources.
15 Août 2016
14 Août 2016
At a time when Africa has bold aspirations, through Agenda 2063, to confront large scale challenges like the ascendant demographic curve, green industrialization and domestic resource mobilization, it is imperative that innovation be inclusive in order to facilitate the creation of decent jobs, generate investments, and contribute to the continent's structural transformation.
13 Août 2016
The race for the position of the next AU chairman has just gotten hotter as more candidates have emerged. The elections were postponed till January 2017, last month, at the AU summit in Rwanda, after candidates who contested at the time failed to garner the required number of votes to win.
13 Août 2016
The race for the position of the next AU chairman has just gotten hotter as more candidates have emerged. The elections were postponed till January 2017, last month, at the AU summit in Rwanda, after candidates who contested at the time failed to garner the required number of votes to win.
