- Welcome to the Gender Statistics Toolkit
- Objective of the workshop
- Integrating a gender perspective into data collection
- Integrating a gender perspective into Educational Statistics - Presentation on issues and data requirements
- Integrating a gender perspective into Health Statistics - Presentation on issues and data requirements
- Integrating a gender perspective into Employment Statistics - For a better monitoring and use of SDGs 8 Tier I Indicators
- Lecture: Conducting Gender Statistics Assessment
- How to improve the availability of SDGs 5(Gender Equality) and SDG 16 (Gender based violence) for a better monitoring and use of SDGs tier I Indicators
- Integrating a gender perspective into energy statistics for a better monitoring and use of SDGs 7 tier I Indicators
- Role of UN Women in Production and Use of Gender Statistics in Uganda: Status and Challenges
- Monitoring of SDGs and Agenda 2063: Data availability issues related to selected indicators in SDGs (3, 4,5,6,7,8, 13, 16 and 17)
- Lecture: Gender Issues in Global, Regional and National Contexts
- Lecture: Generating Issue-Oriented Statistics and Indicators
- How to Improve gender statistics literacy among data users
- Integrating a gender perspective into access to water and sanitation Statistics - For a better monitoring and use of SDGs 6 Tier I Indicators
- Africa’s Development Agenda: Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063