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27 Septembre 2019
Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe, on Wednesday lauded the African Union Commission’s commitment to effective partnerships, collaborative approaches and actions in support of the continent’s development aspirations.
27 Septembre 2019
Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe, on Wednesday lauded the African Union Commission’s commitment to effective partnerships, collaborative approaches, and actions in support of the continent’s development aspirations.
27 Septembre 2019
On the margins of the United Nations Climate Action Summit convened by the Secretary-General,Antonio Guterres to drum up support for climate action, a group of like-minded countries, financiers, project developers and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) launched an initiative to energize climate resilient development in Africa faster, better and cleaner with deployment of 10,...
26 Septembre 2019
Leaders gathering for the United Nations General Assembly from 17-30 September 2019 in New York have made a strong plea for enhanced South-South cooperation to strengthen food security during a session co-hosted by the African Development Bank
26 Septembre 2019
With an estimated 390 million people living in extreme poverty, hunger and food insecurity, Africa is in a race against time to deliver on its regional and global development goals.
25 Septembre 2019
Des ministres et hauts responsables réunis à New-York dans le cadre de l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies, ont plaidé en faveur de la coopération Sud-Sud pour la sécurité alimentaire lors d’une session co-organisée par la Banque africaine de développement
25 Septembre 2019
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Executive Secretary Dr. Vera Songwe has joined ID4Africa’s Board of Advisors to add her expertise on the continent’s economic development to the NGO’s promotion of legal and digital identity for all African people.
24 Septembre 2019
Heatwaves attributable to climate change that hit most of Europe from June to July 2019 have served as a timely reminder of the long-standing need for concerted global action to tackle climate change, which affects all regions of the world. Extreme weather events—such as more frequent and intense droughts, floods, heatwaves and other climate-induced impacts, including accelerated desertification...
24 Septembre 2019
With Nigeria’s growing population expected to hit 206 million by 2020, ensuring national sufficiency and medicine security is crucial in tackling diseases, mortality and catering for other healthcare needs.
24 Septembre 2019
eatwaves attributable to climate change that hit most of Europe from June to July 2019 have served as a timely reminder of the long-standing need for concerted global action to tackle climate change, which affects all regions of the world. Extreme weather events—such as more frequent and intense droughts, floods, heatwaves and other climate-induced impacts, including accelerated desertification,...
24 Septembre 2019
With Nigeria’s growing population expected to hit 206 million by 2020, ensuring national sufficiency and medicine security is crucial in tackling diseases, mortality and catering for other healthcare needs.
23 Septembre 2019
23 Septembre 2019
“We have been waiting for you!” Jayathma Wickramanayake, the UN Youth Envoy, said, welcoming the boisterous crowd of young climate leaders, who made it clear from the very start of the day-long event that global political leaders are now on notice: they must make radical changes to shift the world away from fossil fuels and towards clean energy, protect our oceans, and promote sustainable...
22 Septembre 2019
Capital Newspaper (local)
19 Septembre 2019
So why do so many retailers continue to source their products from the other side of the world, instead of from the African continent?
19 Septembre 2019
The Ethiopian government has unveiled a blueprint for economic reform, the Homegrown Economic Reform, to unlock the country’s development potentials.
19 Septembre 2019
An investment of $60 billion would bring Africa’s digital infrastructure up to speed and $6 billion would cover ID provision for the continent’s 500 million people without legal identity as long as trust for such schemes is established and interoperability standards found, according to a panel discussion hosted by the Africa division of US think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies...
18 Septembre 2019
In July 2019, the African Union launched the operational phase of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) at a summit in Niger. Countries had signed the framework agreement for the AfCFTA on 21 March 2018 and last April 22 countries (the number required for the agreement to come into force) had deposited their instruments of ratification.
17 Septembre 2019
C’est dans une correspondance datée du 13 août 2019 que la secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique, Vera Songwe, informe le ministre congolais des Postes, des Télécommunications et de l’Economie numérique, Léon Juste Ibombo, de sa décision de sélectionner le Congo pour le lancement d’une phase de pilotage du réseau 5G. Ce qui fera du pays l’un des...
17 Septembre 2019
Le changement climatique et les préparatifs en perspective du Sommet sur l’action pour le climat, prévu le 23 septembre courant à New York à l’initiative du Secrétaire général de l’ONU, ont dominé la réunion trimestrielle, mardi à Addis-Abeba, des ambassadeurs africains accrédités auprès de la Commission des Nations unies pour l’Afrique (CEA-ONU), qui a été présidée par le Maroc.
16 Septembre 2019
The country might need USD 10 billion a year to achieve its ambitious programs and planned reforms.
16 Septembre 2019
The UNITED Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) executive secretary, Vera Songwe, has said that Africa has all the pre-requisites for rapid economic transformation in the next decade. “But the importance of digitalisation and the digital economy in driving growth and structural transformation, as well as optimising fiscal performance in Africa, cannot be overstated,” she said.
16 Septembre 2019
