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30 Août 2019
Le président du Comité national olympique et sportif sénégalais (Cnoss), Mamadou Diagna Ndiaye, membre du Comité international olympique, et Vera Songwe, Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (Cea), ont paraphé un Mémorandum d’entente visant à «établir un cadre général de coopération» et à «faciliter la collaboration entre les deux institutions dans les domaines d’...
30 Août 2019
Sous la présidence effective de Monsieur Macky SALL, Président de la République du Sénégal et en marge du 7ème Sommet de la TICAD, Monsieur Mamadou Diagna NDIAYE, Président du Comité National Olympique et Sportif Sénégalais (CNOSS), Membre du Comité International Olympique et Madame Vera SONGWE, ...
29 Août 2019
Le CNOSS et la CEA s’engagent ainsi à travailler ensemble pour renforcer mutuellement leurs expertises, développer des activités de renforcement des capacités et d’assistance technique, en vue de promouvoir un développement économique et social inclusif, durable par le sport, conformément aux missions du CNOSS.
29 Août 2019
On Day 1 of the ongoing Tokyo International Conference for African Development, TICAD, a strong case has been made for the role that entrepreneurs can have in catalyzing transformation of the continent.
27 Août 2019
The University of Turku and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa organized a two-day workshop to launch the Finland-Africa Platform for SDG 9 in Turku, Finland. The meeting brought together over 100 participants from Finnish Universities and Ministries, international and national organizations and businesses in Finland and from over 15 African countries to brainstorm on the...
21 Août 2019
Il settore elettrico angolano sarà al centro delle priorità del programma di rilancio della cooperazione tra l'Angola e la Commissione Economica delle Nazioni Unite per l'Africa (UNECA).L'argomento è stato discusso ad Addis Abeba, dalla segretaria esecutiva di questo organismo, Vera Songwe, e dall'ambasciatore angolano in Etiopia, Francisco da Cruz.
20 Août 2019
President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has encouraged the private sector to serve as the frontline actors in the country’s quest to leverage the huge prospects of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), in order to drive the needed socio-economic growth and prosperity.
20 Août 2019
The African Union launched the operational phase of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) at a summit in Niger last month. Vera Songwe is the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa that has been providing support for the AU during negotiations and ratifications. She spoke to the Africa Renewal’s Christabel Ligami about AfCFTA implementation and empowering African...
19 Août 2019
Os chefes de Estado e de Governo dos 16 países da Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral (SADC), incluindo os presidentes angolano e moçambicano, reuniram-se a partir de Sábado na Tanzânia para debater o desenvolvimento regional.
19 Août 2019
Communiqué of the 39th sadc Summit of Heads of State and Government, Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre, Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania, 17-18 August 2019
19 Août 2019
Le Président Azali Assoumani participe au 39ème Sommet ordinaire des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement de la Communauté de développement d'Afrique australe (SADC). Une occasion pour le chef de l’Etat de présenter ses orientations sur l’avenir de la région et sa vision sur ce vaste marché pour la première fois depuis son adhésion en Aout 2018.
19 Août 2019
Non-Aligned Movement has continuously reaffirmed that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our times, threatening not only the development prospects of developing countries and their achievement of sustainable development, but also the very existence and survival of countries and societies, and expressed profound concern that emissions of greenhouse gases continue to rise globally.
18 Août 2019
The Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, in partnership with the Economic Commission for Africa and the African Union Commission (AUC), are organising a High-Level Conference on the AfCFTA from 19-21 August 2019 at the Accra International Conference Centre.
16 Août 2019
The Ethiopian Ministry of Innovation and Technology on Wednesday announced cooperation with Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group on building its digital economy sector, reported
14 Août 2019
Now that Nigeria has ratified the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), the next line of action is to map out strategies on how the country can benefit maximally from the continental economic integration deal.
14 Août 2019
The Ethiopian Ministry of Innovation and Technology on Wednesday announced cooperation with Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group on building its digital economy sector.
13 Août 2019
Africa Renewal: Now that AfCFTA is in force, do you think countries will fully implement the agreement and within the set timelines?
12 Août 2019
Aurèle Mawudo Houngbédji relate son riche parcours de technicien à des niveaux élevés de responsabilité et propose des recettes pour le développement du Bénin en particulier et de l’Afrique en général. Cette contribution, il l’a faite à travers son livre intitulé « L’audace de réformer » dont le lancement officiel a eu lieu, samedi 10 août dernier, à Cotonou devant une brochette de cadres et...
11 Août 2019
Africa on Saturday marks the second Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Day under the theme Birth Certificate for All: Fundamental for Protecting Human Rights and Promoting Inclusion, based on the recognition that the right to birth registration, especially to a birth certificate is a fundamental means of safeguarding a person’s rights for the entirety of their life.
9 Août 2019
Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Vera Songwe, has told African central bank governors that concerns around Africa’s rising sovereign debt should not focus so much about its level, but rather the ability to pay for it.
8 Août 2019
Last month, the United Nations released their World Population Prospects report – predicting that the global population could increase by 2 billion people in the next 30 years. And within this, sub-Saharan Africa will experience a 99% increase.
8 Août 2019
African nations launched a continental free-trade zone this past month that can unite 1.3 billion people, create a $3.4 trillion economic bloc, and usher in a new era of development. The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) which consists of 55 countries is now the largest of its kind in the world. The World Trade Organization, which was created in 1995, previously held this...
