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15 Septembre 2019
Une signature d'un accord cadre (MOU) a été réalisée entre le patronat sénégalais et le patronat marocain. Cela, pour un soutien effectif du royaume chérifien en perspective des JOJ de 2022 prévus au Sénégal.
13 Septembre 2019
Dans une déclaration relayée par l’agence Bloomberg, la responsable a indiqué que le niveau de la dette du pays d’Afrique orientale, menace ses efforts de développement. En 2018, la dette du pays avait atteint près de 60%, exposant l’économie éthiopienne à un risque de surendettement.
13 Septembre 2019
L'Etiopia deve rimborsare 4 miliardi di dollari di debito all'anno se vuole raggiungere i suoi obiettivi di sviluppo. Lo ha dichiarato Vera Songwe, segretaria esecutiva della Commissione economica per l'Africa delle Nazioni Unite (Uneca), reagendo al programma di riforme economiche annunciato lunedì scorso dal premier etiope Abiy Ahmed.
13 Septembre 2019
L'Ethiopie doit rembourser 4 milliards $ de dette, chaque année, pour atteindre ses objectifs de développement, a indiqué cette semaine, Vera Songwe (photo), secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l’Afrique (CEA).
12 Septembre 2019
The government of Ethiopia has unveiled what it describes as a “Homegrown Economic Reform” agenda aimed at unlocking the country’s development potential.
11 Septembre 2019
The UN and World Bank envision that by 2030 every individual in the world will have a digital identity. Digital ID promises to transform Africa's economic and political landscape. It holds the power to unlock more inclusive digital economies, increase access to government services, and elevate political accountability. As African nations move forward with ID programs, however, it is...
10 Septembre 2019
The government of Ethiopia has unveiled what it describes as a “Homegrown Economic Reform” agenda aimed at unlocking the country’s development potential.
10 Septembre 2019
Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Dr. Vera Songwe the Ethiopian Government needs to to increase investment by $6 billion every year to help the nation achieve development goals.
10 Septembre 2019
The Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Vera Songwe, said Ethiopia’s plan to grow from GDP per capita of 865 to 2219 is “very ambitious,” but doable, citing the success stories of China, Laos, and Vietnam.
10 Septembre 2019
Le Gouvernement éthiopien dévoile ce qu’il décrit comme étant un programme de « Réforme économique locale » visant à libérer le potentiel de développement du pays.
10 Septembre 2019
The government of Ethiopia has unveiled what it describes as a “Homegrown Economic Reform” agenda aimed at unlocking the country’s development potential.
10 Septembre 2019
The Ethiopian government has unveiled a new economic reform blueprint, dubbed Homegrown Economic Reform, with a major aspiration to unlock the country's development potentials.
10 Septembre 2019
Ethiopia must attract new investment and reduce its debt if it’s to achieve the government’s economic growth and job creation targets, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
10 Septembre 2019
The government of Ethiopia has unveiled what it describes as a “Homegrown Economic Reform” agenda aimed at unlocking the country’s development potential.
9 Septembre 2019
With a growing internet penetration rate in Africa, interest in digital tools is increasing in the development sector, particularly in the field of education. But can new technologies really make a difference?
9 Septembre 2019
This step reflects Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5), on women’s empowerment to make a reality.
9 Septembre 2019
A UN official on Monday cautioned Ethiopia to manage its foreign debt, while undertaking economic reforms it has launched, to rectify the macroeconomic imbalance.
9 Septembre 2019
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed opened the discussion session with development partners and the diplomatic community on Homegrown Economic Reforms.
9 Septembre 2019
A discussion forum on homegrown economic reforms opened at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) meeting hall this morning.
9 Septembre 2019
A UN official on Monday cautioned Ethiopia to manage its foreign debt, while undertaking economic reforms it has launched, to rectify the macroeconomic imbalance.
6 Septembre 2019
Over 500 participants from 52 countries across the globe have converged in Addis Ababa for the 14th Global Forum on Human Settlements (GFHS 2019), which kicked off on Thursday at the United Nations Conference Centre.
6 Septembre 2019
Over 500 participants from 52 countries across the globe have converged in Addis Ababa for the 14th Global Forum on Human Settlements (GFHS 2019), which kicked off on Thursday at the United Nations Conference Centre.
4 Septembre 2019
3 Septembre 2019
La Universidad de Turku y la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para África organizaron un taller de dos días para lanzar la plataforma finlandesa-africana para el SDG 9 en Turku, Finlandia. La reunión congregó a más de 100 participantes de universidades y ministerios finlandeses, organizaciones internacionales y nacionales y empresas de Finlandia y de más de 15 países africanos para...
3 Septembre 2019
Sub-Saharan Africa’s future prosperity hinges on the ability of its leaders to create inclusive, sustainable growth at a time of rapid transformation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
