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21 Octobre 2019
The Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF) ( has announced the keynote speakers for its prestigious annual conference taking place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC), 29-30 October 2019 for the advancement of women in Africa as innovators and entrepreneurs.
21 Octobre 2019
The Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF) ( has announced the keynote speakers for its prestigious annual conference taking place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC), 29-30 October 2019 for the advancement of women in Africa as innovators and entrepreneurs.
20 Octobre 2019
Mais la vision ne peut être réalisée que si les citoyens du continent sont tous visibles et connus des autorités à des fins de planification, et que des statistiques précises et à jour sont toujours disponibles, indique Mme Wina, dans son allocution d’ouverture, lors de la cinquième Conférence des ministres africains responsables des faits d’état civil, à Lusaka.
20 Octobre 2019
Vera Songwe, the Under-Secretary-General of the UN and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, said on Thursday that African countries face fundamental challenges in their bid to address the legal identity gap in Africa.
19 Octobre 2019
“L’absence d’identité juridique signifie que vous n’existez pas du tout aux yeux de l’État, un scénario qui est extrêmement alarmant et qui va à l’encontre de chacun de nos efforts de développement humain”.
18 Octobre 2019
La Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) , Vera Songwe, a plaidé pour la cause de l’identité légale sur le continent afin de combler le fossé de l’identité, en particulier pour les plus de 250 millions de femmes africaines invisibles et d’autres personnes en quête d’autonomisation économique.
18 Octobre 2019
ID4Africa has issued a call for speakers from among government agencies, international development agencies, NGOs and not-for-profit organizations, as well as commercial startups and innovators, for its 2020 annual meeting.
18 Octobre 2019
Civil registration is a vital tool to Africa’s economic and social development, and that is at the core to eradicate poverty, say African ministers responsible for Civil Registration in Lusaka Zambia.
11 Octobre 2019
Si chiama African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). 54 Paesi, 1,2 miliardi di persone e un Pil complessivo di 2.500 miliardi di dollari, questo accordo renderà l’Africa l’area di libero scambio più grande del pianeta.
9 Octobre 2019
With an estimated 390 million people living in extreme poverty, hunger and food insecurity, Africa is in a race against time to deliver on its regional and global development goals. On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Sunday, African heads of states and governments met to emphasize urgent collective action and the need for greater collaboration between the United Nations and the...
8 Octobre 2019
Europe and Africa are inextricably linked by history, geography, and economic ties. Today, securing a peaceful and prosperous future on either continent requires cooperation by both – but not the donor-supplicant relationship that has defined “cooperation” in the past.
7 Octobre 2019
7 Octobre 2019
On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Sunday, African heads of states and governments met to emphasize urgent collective action and the need for greater collaboration between the United Nations and the African Development Bank to fast-track Africa’s development.
6 Octobre 2019
Come può l’Africa aspirare a uscire dalla povertà se ogni voglia di crescere viene spenta dalla mancanza di corrente? Questo spiega perché l'Africa è la nuova frontiera del mondo energetico internazionale: gli altri mercati sono maturi, questo no; e qui stanno convergendo le attenzioni di tutti i colossi dell’energia
5 Octobre 2019
En marge de la fermeture de la conférence de Choiseul en France ,Ahmad Ahamd President de la Confédération Africaine de Football a tenu un vibrant discours dans lequel il exhorte les participants (hommes d’affaires etc.) pour qu’ils utilisent le football en Afrique comme principal vecteur de développement, en insistant sur le fait qu’il s’agit du principal outil de rapprochement des peuples sur...
4 Octobre 2019
Europe and Africa are inextricably linked by history, geography, and economic ties. Today, securing a peaceful and prosperous future on either continent requires cooperation by both – but not the donor-supplicant relationship that has defined “cooperation” in the past. Instead, leaders on both sides must build an equitable strategic relationship that benefits Europe as much as Africa, and Africa...
4 Octobre 2019
ÉCONOMIE - Réunissant plus de 150 intervenants de renommée mondiale, parmi lesquels plusieurs chefs d’Etats, chefs de gouvernements, Prix Nobel, ministres et experts internationaux, le Forum international MEDays se prépare pour sa 12e édition qui se tiendra du 13 au 16 novembre prochain à Tanger.
28 Septembre 2019
The second meeting of the Advisory Board of the ECA’s Centre of Excellence for Digital Identity, Trade and Economy held on the margins of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly discussed the progress of work of the Centre and lauded ECA’s efforts in advancing Africa’s digital agenda.
28 Septembre 2019
The second meeting of the Advisory Board of the ECA’s Centre of Excellence for Digital Identity, Trade and Economy held on the margins of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly discussed the progress of work of the Centre and lauded ECA’s efforts in advancing Africa’s digital agenda.
28 Septembre 2019
On the margins of the United Nations Climate Action Summit convened by the Secretary-General,Antonio Guterres to drum up support for climate action, a group of like-minded countries, financiers, project developers and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) launched an initiative to energize climate-resilient development in Africa faster, better and cleaner with deployment of 10,...
28 Septembre 2019
Des ministres et hauts responsables réunis à New-York dans le cadre de l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies, ont plaidé en faveur de la coopération Sud-Sud pour la sécurité alimentaire lors d’une session co-organisée par la Banque africaine de développement.
28 Septembre 2019
WITH an estimated 390 million people said to be living in extreme poverty, hunger and food insecurity, Africa is in a race against time to deliver on its regional and global development goals.
27 Septembre 2019
Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe, on Wednesday lauded the African Union Commission’s commitment to effective partnerships, collaborative approaches, and actions in support of the continent’s development aspirations.
27 Septembre 2019
On the margins of the United Nations Climate Action Summit convened by the Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres to drum up support for climate action, a group of like-minded countries, financiers, project developers and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) launched an initiative to energize climate resilient development in Africa faster, better and cleaner with deployment of 10,...
