Planning documents and progress reports
Concept note English Francais Arabic
Africa Programme on Accelerated Improvement of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (APAI-CRVS) English Francais
Reforming and Improving Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems in Africa Regional Medium-Term Plan: 2010-2015 English Francais
Report of the Regional Assessment Study of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems in Africa English Francais
Strategy for Conducting Assessment of and Planning for National Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems English Francais
Reference materials
Technical documents
Advocacy Kits
Advocacy Messages for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics: Who, Why, What And How? English
The Moving Elephant in Africa English
Other documents
Other conference documents
Outcome of the Third Session of the Statistical Commission for Africa on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics English Français
Highlights of the Contents of the Regional Guideline for the Preparation of National Civil Registration Operation Manual English Français
Highlights of the Contents of the Regional Guideline for the Preparation of National Vital Statistics Operation Manual English Français
Recommendations of the seventh Africa Symposium on Statistical Development (ASSD) English Français
The CRVS Daily Newsletter
5 September 2012 - Issue 1 - Volume 1
6 Septembre 2012 - Issue 2 - Volume 1
Information Note English Français
Report of the Preparatory Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting of the First Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration and Report of the First Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration English Français
Progress against Declaration made by the Ministers responsible for Civil Registration in the First Conference on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) English Français
Sample Exhibition Note English
Exhibition Guide English Français
Country Reports
Cape Verde - Comoros - Côte d'Ivoire - Ethiopia - Gambia - Guinée‐Bissau- Madagascar - Mali - Mauritius - Niger - Nigeria - Sénégal - Sierra Leone - South Sudan - Tchad - Togo