Africa Peer Review Mechanism: Restoration, Reinvigoration and Renewal


The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) is Africa’s most innovative and ambitious initiative on governance that was launched in 2003. As a voluntary mechanism for self- and peer-assessment of governance policies and practices on the Continent, 35 countries currently participate as members of the Mechanism, 18 of which have already undergone the comprehensive base review process, while others are at different stages towards it.

Thirteen years since its launch, therefore, the APRM clearly has registered significant strides but it has also faced enormous challenges. Especially over the past few years, the level of activity had shown significant decline, the capacity of the Continental Secretariat weakened, the level of financial contribution by participating countries dwindled, and the overall presence and visibility of the APRM at the national and continental levels diminished.

Can the APRM return to its days of glory and remain the paramount tool for the continuing enhancement of governance across the continent?

This Round Table will bring together key APRM stakeholders to discuss on the Revitalization of APRM – Restoration, Reinvigoration and Renewal.    

The event is open to all delegates. Date: 2 April 2016, Time: 11h30-13h30, Venue CR4

For more information, please contact Mr. Jean Yves Adou, Head of Division, APRM Secretariat, email: