The transition to a post-Kyoto climate governance framework is an opportune moment to engage the African continent and the world in such a review. The upcoming COP21 in Paris in December 2015 is expected to deliver the new climate agreement, which will define global climate governance in the post Kyoto period. COP21 represents a unique chance for Africa to assert itself in global climate governance and influence the outcomes of Paris towards aligning with the continent’s long term sustainable development agenda. The Conference will in addition seek to contribute to the refinement of the African common position in advance of COP21.
Denton Outlines the Climate Agreement Africa Should Seek in Paris
All Eyes on Paris 21 as Victoria Falls Climate Conference Closes
Towards a more active participation of Africa in COP 21
Africa’s high stake in climate change
CCDA 5 innovates, creates solution spaces to sharpen Africa’s proposals for COP 21 in Paris
CCDA 5 to be the launch pad for advancing new frontiers of climate research in Africa, expert says
Denton Fires Up ClimDev Partners as Zimbabwe Welcomes CCDA 5
A tall agenda awaits energy specialists and policy makers at CCDA 5
Africa Climate Policy Center
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Menelik II Road, PO Box 3001
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Summary Report of the conference
Climate Research for Development in Africa (CR4D)
Lessons learnt and emerging views from preparing INDC in Africa - CCDA-V Parallel Session
Concept Note - REDD+ Non-Carbon Benefit (NCB) in Africa - High Level Discussion during CCDA - V
Click here for more: http://www.climdev-africa.org/