CD - Policy Dialogue

High Level Conference on Conflict and Development in the Horn of Africa

During the past two decades, the African continent has registered impressive economic growth, which qualified it for the designation one of the fastest growing regions in the world. The impressive economic growth would not have  been possible, without an equally remarkable progress in economic and political governance, as well as improvements in the peace and security, accompanied with a considerable reduction in the magnitude and scale of violent conflicts.


Africa must privilege urbanization in development planning

Yaounde, 7 June 2016 (ECA) - Africa can no longer afford to watch its « 55 per cent galloping urban sprawl» go without factoring urbanization into its core development planning processes.

And it is high time the continent fixed « the imbalance between the modest volume of urban investments and the huge contribution of cities to GDP » said Cameroon’s Minister of Housing and Urban Development – Mr. Jean Claude Mbwentchou – at the start of an ECA-convened High Level Policy Dialogue dedicated to mainstreaming urbanization into overall development planning on the continent. 


Dialogue on conflict and development to discuss three ECA studies

Addis Ababa, 14 September 2015 (ECA) - The Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) will be hosting a High Level Policy Dialogue on Conflict and Development in Africa, in Accra, Ghana from 2 - 3 October 2015. 

At the request of the African Union, the Capacity Development Division of ECA, prepared three regional studies on the costs and consequences of conflict on development in the Sahel, Great Lakes, and the Horn of Africa.  The three landmark regional studies focused on the costs and consequences of conflict on development in the Sahel, Great Lakes and the Horn of Africa region.


Governance and Human Security

Conflict and Development in Africa

The Capacity Development Division (CDD) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) hosted a High Level Policy Dialogue on Conflict and Development in Africa, in Accra, Ghana from 2 -3 October 2015.  This follows three landmark regional studies on the costs and consequences of conflict on development in the Sahel, Great Lakes and the Horn of Africa region produced by UNECA at the request of the African Union.
