The ECA will hold a workshop on Strengthening Subregional Coordination in Support of the African Union and NEPAD on 30 September - 1 October 2015, in Adama/Nazareth, Ethiopia. This will be part of a series of workshops with the aim of building coordination capacity for the implementation of Africa’s transformation agenda. The purpose of this particular workshop is to develop a framework for strengthening coordination capacity at the subregional levels and enhancing coordination among partners, including the AUC, the NEPAD Agency, the RECs, IGOs, UN organizations and agencies in support of the African Union and its priorities including the NEPAD Programme.
The expected outcomes include:
- Strengthened subregional coordination capacity.
- Practical and relevant examples of how to develop joint programmes.
- Improved awareness of the linkages between the subregional, regional, and global priorities.
The training workshop will be held over period of two days. Day one will be devoted to Joint programming and coordination. Presentations and discussions will identify the current Global, AU and subregional priorities and will show ways of mapping these priorities towards impactful outcomes. Day two will be for the development of a results matrix and an implementation, resource mobilization and partnership framework and strategy. It is expected that participants will be officers responsible for coordination and programming from the AUC, NEPAD Agency, RECs and their IGOs, the African Development Bank, SROs, UN organizations and agencies operating in Africa, and other international partners operating in Africa.