
Training on ECA’s Macroeconomic Model for Djibouti
Monday, October 22, 2018 to Wednesday, October 24, 2018

In line with its continuous support to Member States, ECA has embarked on developing a macroeconomic forecasting model for Djibouti. In this regard ECA in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Djibouti, will be holding its first project development workshop on the 22nd – 24th of October 2018, at the Kempiski Hotel in Djibotui.

The workshop is aimed at reviewing the initial model development process and findings, and finalize the project scope taking into consideration both broader issues and finer details pertaining to the model technical requirements, the associated assumptions and related data issues. The meeting will also provide the opportunity to come up with a detailed workplan and areas of support that the institution might need to enable continuity and sustainability in the near future.

The macroeconomic model project is aimed at developing a comprehensive and streamlined system of integrated models to enhance the capacity of policy makers in the country in the area of economic analysis and in generating robust medium- to long-run economic forecasts that could be used in areas of budgeting, policy analysis and simulation exercises.