
The First Subregional Workshop on Curbing Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) from Africa.
Monday, September 14, 2015 to Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Nairobi, Kenya

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in cooperation with the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) and the African Union, will be holding the First Subregional Workshop on Curbing Illicit Financial Flows,  in Nairobi, Kenya from14 -15 September 2015. The workshop will tackle crucial topics such as the matter of IFFs in the context of global financing for development and how the OECD BEPS and other global processes impact upon Africa.

The Stakeholder Workshop on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the HLP Report on IFFs from Africa and the substantial presence of the issue IFFs in the discussions and outcome document from the Financing for Development 3 (FfD3)conference, ultimately underline the importance of bringing solutions to IFFs down to the national and subregional levels. As such, this workshop will bolster awareness and involvement by stakeholders as well as focus on the practical implementation of the recommendations at these levels. 

The main objective of the event is to increase momentum for advocacy, recommend and pilot practical actions towards implementing the recommendations of the High Level Panel.

Expected Outcomes are:

  1. Identification of capacity development needs at national, subregional and continental levels for tackling IFFs. 
  2. Further sensitization of  actors on the magnitude and impact of illicit financial flows from Africa using the findings of the HLP Report.
  3.  Awareness of legislative action required in terms of laws, policies and regulations to stem IFFs at the national, subregional and continental levels.
  4.  Delivery of knowledge on potential tools for the implementation of the High Level Panel recommendations to relevant stakeholders.
  5.  Development of consensus on actions required at the global level.

The event will attract member states; parliamentarians; decision makers from the African Union Commission (AUC); Regional Economic Communities; regional financial, revenue and customs organizations; academic leaders and experts; financial ethics commissions and other development partners as well as civil society organization working on IFF in Africa. Contact information and further details may be found in the concept note below.


Concept Note