
Expert Group Meeting on Strengthening Sub-regional Coordination Mechanisms in Support of the African Union and its NEPAD Programme
Strengthening Coordination Capacity at Sub-regional Level
Monday, December 15, 2014 to Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Addis Ababa

The Expert Group Meeting will review and contribute to “The Handbook on Strengthening Coordination Capacity at Sub-regional Level”.  The handbook will cover all key requirements for the effective harmonization and efficient coordination of UN system support to Africa’s development at the sub-regional level, including programme planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and resource mobilization in the context of the AU and NEPAD programme priorities  as well as the priorities of RECs.   Developing a handbook on strengthening coordination capacity at the sub-regional level is a recommendation from the 15th annual session of RCM held in Abuja, Nigeria in March 2014.

Expected to attend are United Nations Agencies supporting the AU and its NEPAD programme at country, subregional and regional levels as well as their counter parts in the AU and NEPAD Organs including the RECs and IGOs.