This workshop on administrative data, big data, and geospatial information for the compilation of SDG indicators is organized under the expectation accomplishment “Enhanced capacity of African countries to launch or improve institutional mechanisms and procedures, at national and local level, for the production and utilization of SDG indicators”. It is organized jointly by the Economic Commission for Africa, the United Nation Statistics Division and UN Environment
The workshop will allow experts from national statistical systems, academic institutions in the region, and international organizations to discuss issues and challenges with regard to the use of administrative records and non-traditional data sources for timely decision making and service delivery at the local level, and the integration of geospatial information and statistics for effective and efficient implementation of SDGs. The workshop will also help facilitate countries and other relevant institutions to share best practices in use of technology and innovative approaches, including the geospatial information systems, to enhance the production of data and statistics.
The workshop will help participants achieve a common and improved understanding of the technical issues and challenges involved in using non-traditional and administrative data sources in the production of statistics for the implementation and follow up and review of Agenda 2030. The workshop, through sharing of good practices, will help clarify how these new and non-traditional data sources can be integrated and mainstreamed into the national data and statistical systems for timely evidence-based decision making at all levels. A summary note including main challenges, case examples, and suggestions on how to integrate data sources in the production of data will be prepared. In addition, the discussions of the workshop will inform subsequent technical advisory missions and the development and refinement of national strategies for the development of statistics.