
WHO-ECA Side Event on High Level Advocacy and Engagement for Health Financing In Africa
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Date: 25 March, 2017

Time: 9am - 11 am

Venue:  King Fahd Hotel, B12


There is global consensus on the importance of health in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Central to this understanding is the deleterious impact of ill-health on economic growth in Africa. Resources currently required to implement the SDGs are estimated at 2.5 trillion USD. It is further estimated that in order for countries to achieve the great convergence in health gains, Lower Income countries will have to spend an addition 56billion USD per annum.  It is increasingly clear, therefore, that for countries to achieve this, greater investment in health as well as increased efficiency is required.

Consequently, the WHO Regional Office for Africa and the ECA will be holding a side-event along the margins of COM2017 to highlight evidence of projected economic impact of current and projected disease burden on economic growth in Africa. The event is aimed at determining a joint plan for advocacy and action.


  • To share evidence on the direct and indirect costs of common diseases and the expected economic return of investment in the African Region.
  • To identify a set of key actions for joint advocacy and action health financing in the African region.

Expected outcomes

  • A better understanding of the impact of ill-health on the economic growth of the African region. .
  • A proposed plan of action for advocacy and action for health financing in the African region.

Target audience

-          Officials of the ministries of finance, economic planning and Health

-          National and regional Development Partners

-          Officials from the regional economic blocs and related health agencies

-          Officials and representatives of WHO

-          Officials from UNECA

-          Civil society and the private sector

-          Policy makers

For further information please contact:

-          Dr. Grace Kabaniha Health Economist (WHO Afro) ,: Tel.: +47 241 39301, kabanihag@who.int

-          Mr. Innocent Ntaganira , Head, WHO Laison Office to AU and ECA  +47 251 34675, ntaganirai@who.int

-          Mr. Jack Jones Zulu, Social Affairs Officer, Social Development Policy Division (SDPD), UNECA, Tel:+251 11 544 3681
