Sustainable Development Report on Africa III

Sustainable Consumption and Production for Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction
Sustainable Development Report on Africa III

This third issue of the Sustainable Development Report on Africa (SDRA) is a joint report of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the United National Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Industrial Development Programme (UNIDO) and the African Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ARSCP). This issue of SDRA is produced under the theme Sustainable consumption and production (SCP) for sustainable growth and poverty reduction in Africa. The SCP principles that underlie the sustainable development goals and commitments on the thematic cluster of issues addressed in the report influenced the choice of theme.
The report documents progress made by African countries in the implementation of sustainable development commitments on the thematic cluster of issues comprising transport, chemicals, waste management, mining and sustainable consumption and production (SCP), including a 10-Year Framework of Programmes on SCP. It also highlights implementation challenges and constraints confronting African countries, and identifies policy measures and actions needed to accelerate implementation