Report of the Consultation Meeting of Cluster/Subcluster Coordinators and Co-coordinators on The Functioning of the Cluster System of the RCM-Africa

The 10th session of the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM-Africa) held on 5-6 November 2009 underlined that “UN system organizations need to work more closely with the different Departments within the AUC. This would enable the AUC/NEPAD to tap more effectively into the expertise and resources available from the RCM and its Clusters”. To this end, it recommended that - a meeting should be organized involving all Cluster Coordinators and Co-coordinators (AUC and UN) at the senior management level before the end of the year to discuss issues including information sharing and flow, the functioning of the RCM as a whole, and the Clusters, as well as the review of the Ten-Year Capacity Building programme.

In response to the recommendation above, the RCM-Africa Secretariat in collaboration with its partners convened a one-day “Consultation meeting of Cluster/Subcluster Coordinators and Co-coordinators (AUC and UN) on the Functioning of the Cluster System of the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM)” on 30 June 2010 at the United Nations Conference Center (UNCC) in Addis Ababa.