Report of the Ad Hoc Experts Group Meeting on Cost-Benefit Analysis of Regional Infrastructure and Services

Report of the Ad Hoc Experts Group Meeting on Cost-Benefit Analysis of Regional Infrastructure and Services

In line with continued support to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) mission to develop integrated and cost-effective regional infrastructure, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Southern Africa Office (ECA-SA) in cooperation with SADC organized an Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting on the Cost-Benefit Analysis of Regional Infrastructure and Services in Lilongwe, Malawi from 22 to 23 March 2010.

The objective of the meeting was to provide guidance on the preparation of a technical publication commissioned by ECA-SA on Regional Infrastructure Costs and Benefits in Southern Africa aimed at producing an analytical framework for establishing regional infrastructure costs and benefits to serve as a knowledge resource for assessing the key issues and challenges facing regional cooperation in developing regional infrastructure. Based on up-to-date data and methodology, the framework is intended to deliver effective policy advice and guidance to facilitate countries’ investment in regional infrastructure projects.