National Strategic Plan - Rwanda

In November 2011, the law no 54/2011 of 11 November 2011 established Meteo Rwanda. The formulation of this strategic plan is to guide the activities of Meteo Rwanda in line with its mandate and the changes that have taken place over time.
It articulates Meteo Rwanda’s vision of making Rwanda to be a Meteorological Service that is highly efficient and effective, customer and employee focused. It underscores Meteo Rwanda’s aspirations and determination to achieve the best in providing accurate and timely weather and climate information to ensure economic and social-cultural developments.
This 2016 – 2019 strategic plan envisages a paradigm shift from a process based approach of service delivery to a results-based management approach for effective and efficient delivery of services.
This strategic plan has been prepared in the broader picture of Rwanda’s socio economic transformation as envisaged by Vision 2020 and Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy II (EDPRS II) as well as in the narrow picture as envisaged by the environment and natural resources sector and is fully aligned with The Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF).