Meeting of the Task Force on the Operationalisation of the Sub-Regional Coordination Mechanism for the UN System-Wide Support to the AU and its NEPAD Programme and RECs in Eastern and Southern Africa

The Meeting of the Task Force on the Operationalisation of the Sub-Regional Coordination Mechanism (SRCM) for the United Nations (UN) System-wide Support to the African Union (AU), its New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Programme and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in Eastern and Southern Africa took place in Kigali, Rwanda, at the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) SRO-EA from 25-26 October 2010.

The meeting presented an opportunity for the Task Force members to discuss concrete modalities for the operationalisation of the SRCM for Eastern and Southern Africa with a view to promoting efficiency and synergy in the way the UN leverages its development assistance in the sub-region. The members of the Task Force also discussed the links between UN programmes at country, sub-regional and regional levels, including SRCM relationships to the RCM, RDT and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) to promote a coherent and seamless approach to UN programming at the three levels. The multiyear, multi partner programming approach was considered as the entry point for the operationalisation of the SRCM.