Financing Infrastructure in Africa: The Role of Pension Funds
In the present report, the opportunities that Africa’s infrastructure offer institutional investors, and how pension funds, in particular, are uniquely positioned to engage in long-term, high-return impact investment in the infrastructure sector are examined. The first part will provide a brief presentation of the landscape of pension systems in Africa. What are the major pension funds or social security industries in the five African regions (East, Central, North, Southern and West Africa)? What are their sizes, characteristics and investment portfolio? The second part will help readers to better understand the African investment climate. What are the capital market potential and infrastructure finance opportunities? The third part will focus on the infrastructure investment opportunities in the selected countries. What are their infrastructure needs? What are the existing infrastructure financing vehicles? In conclusion, the report will present key policy recommendations for promoting private sector investment in Africa’s infrastructure and illustrate some potential deals for investment in select countries.