AU – UN Framework on Implementation of Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030

Stronger coordination between the agencies of the African Union and the United Nations system is required to ensure that the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063, including alignment with the Paris Agreement, are mainstreamed and integrated into the national planning frameworks of member States and contribute positively to African development. A harmonized and integrated approach to the implementation of the two Agendas will help to minimize duplication, optimize resource use and mobilize the support of domestic and external stakeholders and development partners.
The unique relationship between the African Union and the United Nations provides the goodwill necessary for a successful partnership in addressing the continent’s priorities and pressing needs. The Development Framework builds on existing principles underscored in the strategic framework of the African Union-United Nations partnership on Africa’s integration and development agenda for 2017–2027 (see General Assembly resolution 71/254), coordinated under the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa, and whose implementation will be closely aligned with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the First Ten-Year Implementation Plan, as well as subsequent ones, of Agenda 2063. Agenda 2063 is recognized in the African Union and United Nations partnership as the overarching framework for Africa’s integration and development under which the other sectoral frameworks and programmes, including the governance, peace and security architectures, are subsumed. Benchmarks are also set in the partnership for Africa’s performance in the political, economic and social fields. The specialized agencies of the United Nations system operating at the continental level will continue to provide support to the African Union through the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa, and to specific regional, subregional and national priorities agreed through cooperation arrangements.