African Statistical Yearbook 2016

The African Statistical Yearbook 2016 was prepared under the aegis of the African Statistical Coordination Committee set up by major continental organizations dealing with statistical development, namely: the African Development Bank (AfDB), the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), the African Union Commission (AUC), and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) within the framework of the implementation of the Reference Regional Strategic Framework for Statistical Capacity Building in Africa (RRSF).
It was prepared under the overall guidance of Dr. Charles Leyeka Lufumpa, Director of the Statistics Department of the AfDB, Mr. Oliver J.M. Chinganya, Director African Centre for Statistics (ACS) of ECA, Dr. René N’Guettia Kouassi, Director of Economic affairs (AUC), and the leadership of Mr. Maurice Mubila, Officer in Charge of Economic and Social Statistic Division at the AfDB, Dr. Imani Younoussa, Head of Statistics Division at AUC, and Dr. Chukwudozie Ezigbalike, Chief Data Technology Section, ECA.
The joint AfDB-AUC-UNECA Technical Team comprised the following personnel. From the AfDB: Mr. Slaheddine Saidi, Mr. Chaouch Anouar, Mr. Christophe Baradandikanya, Mr. Mohamed Ben M’Barek, Mr. Kadisha Mbiya Hilaire, Mr. Louis Kouakou, Ms Amel Kchouk, and Mr. Jerbi Slim. From the ECA: Mr. Negussie Gorfe, Mr. David Boko, Mr. Léandre Ngogang Wandji, Mr. Yared Bekele, Ms. Meaza Bekele, Mr. Tesfaye Belay, Mr. Elias Fisseha, Mr. Molla Hunegnaw, Mr. Haile Mulualem and Mr. Thomas Sinmegn. From the AUC: Mr. Jose Awong Alene, Mr. Nougbodohoue Samson Bel-Aube, Mr. Paul Kutoati, Mrs Selamawit Mussie, Ms. Theresa Watwi Ndavi, Mr. Oumar Diop, Mr. Gildas C. Nzingoula, Ms. Lyse Rurangwa, Mr. Brighton Mutasa (ADEA) Mr Abdoulaye Oueddo (AFREC) and USAID for their financial support given to AUC