Africa Regional Report on the Sustainable Development Goals

This report presents Africa’s sustainable development priorities and goals, prepared under the framework of the Africa post-2015 consultations, and the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (“Rio+20”) follow-up processes. It is based on information gathered through consultations undertaken in the five subregions of Africa and from an extensive literature review.
The report was presented at the Africa Regional Consultative Meeting on the Sustainable Development Goals held from 31 October to 5 November 2013, and finalized based on comments and recommendations of the meeting. The meeting, attended by ministers and high-level officials from African countries, regional and subregional organizations, a wide range of major groups and development partners, endorsed the 12 goals presented in this report. The outcome document of the Africa Regional Consultative Meeting on the Sustainable Development Goals was adopted as an input to the work of the Africa High-Level Committee on the post-2015 Development Agenda.